One Duck Stuck | A Best Picture Book Review

by tandemonimom

What happens when one duck gets stuck in the muck? Everyone rallies to help!

All four of my children have adored this sweet, funny story!

One Duck Stuck is one of those books I found at the library, and knew instantly I had to own, to be able to read it whenever the mood struck. In fact, my two oldest kids loved it so much, I had to purchase a new copy when my younger two children came along. I couldn't let them miss out on this fabulous story.

One Duck Stuck is a first a counting book, with an increasing number of animals appearing on each page. But it also has the most wonderful rhyming going on! End rhymes, alliteration, assonance ... all put together in a bouncing rhythm that makes it almost impossible to sit still while reading. Put that together with simply fabulous colorful illustrations, and you have a true masterpiece for storytime reading.

One Duck Stuck is a Favorite with Kids and Adults at My House!

Phyllis Root, Jane Chapman
One Duck Stuck
$6.99  $1.54

Story Synopsis

One Duck Stuck is a counting, rhyming, animal-spotting wonder!

Down by the marsh, by the sleepy, slimy marsh, one duck gets stuck in the muck, down by the deep green marsh.

What happens next? Why, a veritable parade of animals come along to try and rescue their friend! For instance, Two fish, tails going swish, swim to the duck. Splish! Splish! When that doesn't work, Three moose munching on spruce plod to the duck. Clomp! Clomp!

But each rescue attempt ends in failure, sadly. No luck. The duck stays stuck deep in the muck.

Finally, after even ten dragonflies zooming through the skies fail in their rescue attempt, all of the animals band together. Cooperation wins out, and the duck is freed from the muck!

Author and Illustrator

Phyllis Root is an amazingly prolific writer. She says of picture books, "They're performances that involve a child - something both of you do. And once I started thinking of them that way, I started getting much looser about making up words and playing around with rhythm."

Jane Chapman is an award-winning children's book illustrator married to a children's book author. She also illustrates under the psuedonym Jack Tickle.

Why Should You Read This Picture Book?

The bouncy rhythm of the rhymes that come too fast to count work with the zany illustrations of the animals trying to pull their friend the duck out of the muck cooperate to make a light-hearted, silly, and thoroughly enjoyable book that you won't mind reading over and over again.

But don't miss the very best part of the humor in the story, which actually begins and ends on the end pages (that's the pages on the reverse side of the book's cover). After the duck, finally freed, flies off, something totally unexpected happens, and I promise you won't be able to stop laughing!

Phyllis Root's Author Page on Children's Literature Network

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Updated: 07/07/2011, tandemonimom
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Book Treasures By Brenda on 07/01/2011

YES, I absolutely LOVE children's books!

petunia on 06/28/2011

One Duck Stuck sounds like required reading for toddlers! wonder if our "grown-up" grands would let me read this one to them? sounds fun!

Dianne on 06/27/2011

Another one to go in the basket I'm making up for my soon-to-be-new-mother friend! Keep 'em coming Carma! Ditto on the grandchildren Susan!

Susan52 on 06/27/2011

Oh, cute! Another great book that I haven't seen. Grandchildren. I need grandchildren!

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