Growing Your Own Organic Food

by blackspanielgallery

Growing your own food is rewarding, and if you wish to enjoy organic food you have the control. And that means even choosing organic seeds.

When you grow your own food you can control what is used in the process. Pesticides can be eliminated, but there is still a need to eliminate pests. Fertilizer can be used or not, depending on your desires.

If food is being sold as organic it must meet certain requirements, but those requirements and set by governments. These requirements differ country to country. But, if you are growing food for your personal consumption you can relax certain requirements, or even be more strict in what you require.

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Pest Control

Without Toxic Chemicals

Complete pest control can be achieved by growing your crop indoors.  Pests can be physically stopped, but there is a separate problem of adequate sunlight.  And having the plants pollenate is difficult without a helping hand from the bees.  Some vegetables will not set if the flower is not pollenated.


A less effective method is to plant certain things that have a natural repellant for pests.  Planting onion family crops along the borders of your plot can help.  Members of the onion family include onions in red, yellow, and white varieties, shallots, leeks, chives, and even garlic.  And as a bonus you get to eat the pest controlling bulbs from the onion family.  Some pests will simply fly over the border crop, so add marigolds between your plants.  They are supposed to assist with pest repulsion.


Of course you can increase the amount that you plant.  That way the pests get some and you get the rest.  I recommend using both natural repellants and adding to the crop.


To keep birds out consider scaring them.  Never poison a bird.  Birds will avoid things that are their natural predators.  Use an owl to stop birds from entering your garden.  Fake owls are easy to find, so choose a sturdy owl that will withstand the elements and set it in a visible location inside your garden.  

What Was There in the Past?

If the soil is possibly contaminated from chemicals used in the past you can opt to replace it, an arduous task, or you can use containers.  Containers have the advantage of eliminating chemicals that leech through the soil to your plot from surrounding areas where they are or have been in use.


Choose what you are willing to tolerate in building the soil.  You and your family will be the ones eating the harvest.

Soil Preparation

Organic Gardening Starts with the Seeds

Seeds can be rated as organic!   One question might well be how can a seed not be organic?  The organic seeds are non-GMO and not from hybrid plants.  Organic seeds are available for herbs, vegetables, and fruits.  

Growing from Seeds

Growing from seeds means you will likely start in cells, although planting directly in the ground is possible.  Growing in cells and protecting the seeds until they sprout saves them from the birds.  But you will want to keep them from drying out.  Adequate watering of seeds is vital.  When the weather poses no danger of additional cold days and the seedlings are large enough transplant them into the garden.  This also eliminates the need for thinning, which often is required when seeds are planted close to each other expecting some to not germinate.  

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Updated: 06/10/2017, blackspanielgallery
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frankbeswick on 09/04/2015

The principle of organic growing is Soil First. You nourish the soil, because by cultivating the soil you ensure the long term well being of the land and the quality of the crops grown from it. Civilizations rise and fall on the quality of their soil, and we are steadily wearing ours away. So anyone who gardens and farms organically is makes a contribution to the maintenance of our society.

blackspanielgallery on 09/03/2015

And these things are all important.

DerdriuMarriner on 09/03/2015

blackspanielgallery, Organic farming and gardening are so Earth-friendly and so in line with anciently wise practices. Every new commitment to organic growing gives the Earth's air, lands, and waters more of a fighting chance against pollution.

blackspanielgallery on 09/03/2015

Thanks for your insightful input. I respect your opinion.

frankbeswick on 09/03/2015

Some crops need to be protected by netting, such as cauliflowers, for the wood pigeons would otherwise eat them. However, you can use animals to kill pests. I use frogs to attack snails and slugs, which is why I have a pond. I have found no secure way of protecting my cherries from wood pigeons.

blackspanielgallery on 09/03/2015

Birds harvest my figs for me. some things are more likely to be eaten by birds such as berries. It depends what you are growing if they help or destroy.

dustytoes on 09/03/2015

I grow all my vegetables organically and I never try to scare birds out of the garden. I invite them in to eat the bugs and caterpillars that could be a problem.

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