Throwing an Election Night Party

by Pinkchic18

Everyone knows that Election Night in 2016 will be a big event! So why not host an event where everyone can celebrate our freedom to vote in a very unique way? Here's how.

It does not matter who you are voting for this year, it is still a partying matter. It's very easy to see that this election is already building up a lot of suspense, so why not use that as your base and make an event out of it? Here are some fun ways you can create an awesome Election Night party.


Image by danxoneil on FlickrGoing with the election theme, consider making your party invitations like a voting ballot. Make your primary information the bolded topic with it's sub-information below it. Keep that theme going throughout your invite, and be sure to include the voting boxes on the end to ensure they grasp your creative concept.

Not confident in your ballot-creating skills? Then make your own mini political signage and turn it into an invitation. Title it "VOTE YES" then underneath you can write "to attending this election night party!" They'll love the creativity and unique approach. Be sure to include all the important details.

Image by danxoneil on Flickr

Party Food

Image by CookieGiftBaskets.comOf course you will need to feed your guests. This can be the highlight of your party if you do it right! Be sure to pack in as many red, white, and blue foods as you can. And don't forget to bring in your patriotic tableware to bring home your theme.

Jello Parfaits

One tasty treat to make is patriotic jello parfaits. They're easy and yummy! Just make two batches of jello (or more, depending on how many guests you have attending). One batch will be red, the other blue. When the jello has cooled, cut into small cubes and use martini glasses for your holder. First, place in your red cubes, then insert some whipped cream on top, then top off with your blue jello cubes!

Election Cookies

Making patriotic cookies is a wonderful way to incorporate your theme however you want. Start with a plain sugar cookie recipe and bake as directed. From there you can use royal icing or just sprinkles to get as intricate or simple as you want.

USA Pizza

If you want to make something simple to eat, but want to give it some festive flair then pizza is definitely an option to consider! Make your own pizza crust and use a rectangular cookie pan to cook it on. Then use pepperonis (red) and sliced mushrooms (white) in the shape of flag stripes. For your stars, use sausage pieces in the corner.


It's not a party if there aren't any games, right? Well feel free to be creative and make up your own humorous or intense election games. In the meantime, here are a couple to try at your Election Party!

Pin the President in the White House

Yes, this game is exactly how it sounds. You'll need to cut out images of each candidate's face and then stick pieces of tape to the back. These will be your 'pins'. Then you'll need to print off a large photo (or buy a poster) of the White House. Whoever pins their president closest to the White House door is the winner! Be sure that you mark each player's 'pins' so that you know whose is whose.

Musical Chairsman

This game is a knock-off of the musical chairs, though I'm sure you maybe figured that out from the title. But instead of the basic 'ring around the rosie' or 'twinkle twinkle little star' songs, you'll play tunes that are much more fitting.

Songs to add to this mix include:

  • The National Anthem
  • God Bless America
  • American the Beautiful
  • Battle Hymn of the Republic
  • Yankee Doodle
Image by FutUndBeidl on Flickr
Image by FutUndBeidl on Flickr

Party Favors

You'll definitely want to give your guests some party favors or patriotic gifts to send them on their way. These will be the final send-off of the night, so you will want to make it good!

Consider giving out humorous party favors like plastic clapping hands for those who voted for the winner and whoopie cushions to those who voted for the loser. 

If you want to give out something they'll actually use, you could always package your extra decorated cookies in cellophane and send them home with your guests. They'll have a yummy treat for the ride home, or the next day. 

Bring the Presidents to the Party

Posters from AllPosters
President Barack ObamaMitt Romney
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What's Your Vote!?

Who will you be voting for this year?

More Patriotic Stuff!

Updated: 10/03/2016, Pinkchic18
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katiem2 on 10/30/2012

Great idea, I do feel I will have something to celebrate this election night. Thanks for the great tips on hosting an election night celebration of our president. :)K

janices7 on 10/29/2012

Just finished filling out my absentee ballot yesterday because I'll be out of the country so I'm going to miss election night. You have some fun food ideas here!

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