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Talking to Somebody Who is Deaf in One Ear
I have a friend who has trouble hearing in one ear, though not completely deaf. When I was reading your story, I cringed remembering all the times she'd say something like 'What did you say? I ...
Ember, on 01/26/2012
Very mysterious and haunting, Deb. Truly enjoyed it. I could hear haunting music in the conjured up all types of mystique and forbidden love scenes. This was bittersweet, sad, ...
Susan Joyner-Stumpf, on 01/26/2012
Talking to Somebody Who is Deaf in One Ear
Hi Sionnach! You and I would either have perfect hearing, or be completely deaf between us. We have unilateral hearing in opposite ears. Yes, that is the culprit. Did I describe the busy environment noise how you hear it too? Thanks for ...
JoHarrington, on 01/26/2012
And this is beautiful. I will show you the Goth in me, just hesitant from the remarks I have heard. A lot of sorrow i sense in you, which is good. there is also a light.
Johnny , on 01/26/2012
Talking to Somebody Who is Deaf in One Ear
Oh yes - also, I very much agree with "Paying so much attention to non-verbal communication means I catch what you wanted to say, rather than what you think you should say."
Sionnach, on 01/26/2012
Talking to Somebody Who is Deaf in One Ear
Thanks so much for posting this!! I have substantial hearing loss in my left ear - due to a severe infection when I was in grade school - but never really connected it to the difficulty I have in ...
Sionnach, on 01/26/2012
Love Poems for Anniversary, Valentine's Day, or Just Because
Thanks, Sheri and Fit2print! It does us good to express our love for someone.
sheilamarie, on 01/26/2012
Dryer Lint Art
It is a bit funny, but it's great to know that there is a use for all of that dryer lint that people pull from their dryers. The thing is, we need to be creative with our waste. I've always marveled at the amount of stuff that comes off our ...
sheilamarie, on 01/26/2012
Patricia MacLachlan: Book Reviews and Videos
Actually I like the books better than the movies, though the movies are nice, too. Patricia MacLachlan has such a poetic way of writing that is difficult to do justice to on screen.
sheilamarie, on 01/26/2012
Kayak Gifts
I hope you do, Kinworm. It's wonderful to be out in nature!
sheilamarie, on 01/26/2012
Kids Cakes
It's never too late to have a kid cake. We all have that little cute person we used to be hidden deep inside.
sheilamarie, on 01/26/2012
Beet Cake
That's the way to do it: tell them after they've enjoyed it so they don't turn up their noses. When I was a child, I can remember being resistant to foods I was unfamiliar with. Yet after tasting something new, I often really liked it.
sheilamarie, on 01/26/2012
Art Nouveau Art Deco Vintage Reproduction Messenger Bag
Beautiful bags you have chosen to highlight here. Zazzle does make some lovely items. I love them all, but especially the Art Nouveau one.
sheilamarie, on 01/26/2012
Hello Kitty Wallet
Very cute Hello Kitty wallets!
sheilamarie, on 01/26/2012
Four stages of online moneymaking game
Excellent article. I'm in phase 3, but very aware that phase 4 is next. Always has been for everything I've done. I doubt I'll always do exactly what I'm doing now, but I'm enjoying the journey.
TerriRexson, on 01/26/2012

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