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Artist Mannequin for Children Who Want to Learn to Draw
This is very interesting. My nine year old daughter is very artistic and would benefit greatly from something like this. Thanks for the great info.
Angel, on 01/10/2012
Make a Toadstool or Mushroom Spool Pincushion
Oh, this is adorable. Are you opposed to your photos being pinned at Pinterest? I've pinned some of your cookies. I am going to pin this too. Adorable. (If you hate Pinterest, let me know, but it can be very good for cooking and crafting ...
Jimmie, on 01/10/2012
High Paying Freelance Writing Jobs
I would also recommend We're a content marketplace focused on business writing (which typically has much higher pay rates). We're launching this month and are currently ...
James, on 01/10/2012
How to Write Great Love Letters
I love this! Great hub! I would like to link it to my profile.
Broken_Dreamer01, on 01/10/2012
Easy link building with blog comments
Mujjen, I think that would depend on the site's comment policies. The most used technique is adding your site on the website field so that it will be anchored to your name. -- Ray, <a ...
Ray, on 01/09/2012
Tiffany Inspired Jewelry
Me! A couple of years ago I received a Tiffany's Naughty or Nice bracelet. It's perfect for me!
Othercat, on 01/09/2012
Eight Common Winter Backyard Birds
The cardinals and goldfinches are my favorites too, and I also prefer warmer weather birdwatching, but watching from the window on a winter day is fun too :-)
kajohu, on 01/09/2012
Jobs In Australia For Americans
Some great advice here, thank you! Enjoyed the video too, really gives me a good impression on what it's like to work on a vineyard in Australia. Thanks again.
Helen, on 01/09/2012
Eight Common Winter Backyard Birds
I love bird watching. I am more of a spring summer watcher - winter is too cold for me. My favorite are the yellow finches and red cardinals - I just love those.
ThePartyAnimal, on 01/09/2012
Stuffed Owl Toys
Plush toys are very soft and comforting, and the owls are wise looking, sweet and adorable.
bhthanks, on 01/09/2012
White Gold vs Sterling Silver
Yes, White Gold has a better finish than silver. Kinworm, Thank you for your comment.
bhthanks, on 01/09/2012
Tiffany Inspired Jewelry
Love it all - who wants to buy me some - lol?
ThePartyAnimal, on 01/09/2012
Bumbo vs Bebepod: Bumbo or Bebepod?
Amanda, Thank you for this information. The recall was only to place a warning label that the Bumbo should not be used on elevated surfaces. More information in the article on this page.
bhthanks, on 01/09/2012
Support Desk For Your Business
Yes, Antje, it is easy to set up, the customization is also easy to do, and the potential of expending functionality is huge... I was looking for some paid alternatives and I don't see the difference. So I decided that this will be my choice for ...
Michey, on 01/09/2012
Heart Shaped Egg Breakfast
What an awesome idea! I love them all!!!
Sylvestermouse, on 01/09/2012

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