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Module mess up

Posts: 274
on 10/18/2011

I've just received a message from a reader that my product descriptions are beneath the Amazon products I have featured rather than beside them as they were meant to be. When I check on my computer, the products and descriptions are side by side. 

Does anyone know why this would be? Could someone check and see whether the modules seem messed up on your computer. Should I change something, or is this just the way things are online -- some pages work for some but not for others?


Oops! I almost forgot -- this is the wizzle:

Read one of my books Sheila's Books
Posts: 490
on 10/18/2011

The second batch (kitchen gadgets) was not properly aligned. I put them side by side now, but not sure which side you wanted them on. You can switch them over by clicking on the little arrows on each module header.

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