Halloween Safety: Path Markers

by blackspanielgallery

Halloween safety can be enhanced by using path markers. In addition, Halloween path markers can add to a decoration scheme.

Halloween safety is the first consideration, and Halloween path markers can help with providing a safe environment. As children scamper from house to house, they often get off the path. If the path is lighted it might just encourage safe behavior.

Since Halloween path markers come in a variety of types, it is important to pay attention to the details before making a purchase. Many are battery operated, but some require wires. Wires, especially wires designed to blend with the background so as not to detract from the decorations, can themselves contribute to an unsafe situation. Wires, especially difficult to see wires, can become a tripping hazard.

Environmentally Friendly Halloween Path Markers

Many Halloween path markers being sold today use LED lights.  These are environmentally friendly.  They use little electricity, and they leave only a hint of a carbon footprint.  And, since the LED Halloween path markers require little electricity, batteries can often be used.  Battery operated Halloween markers usually have no wires, so the tripping hazard is eliminated.  Since there are no wires they can be placed more freely, such as on the outside of the sidewalk where there is no source of electricity other than batteries.

How Elaborate Can a Halloween Path Marker Be?

Some nice Halloween path markers that are battery operated are worthy of being part of a decoration scheme.  They not only come with a nice design, but they can even include sound effects.


Unfortunately, the more power demand placed on a decoration, the shorter the life of the batteries.


Another consideration is how scary is the intent.  Remember, small, easily frightened, children will likely be out on Halloween.




Pumpkin Halloween Path Markers

Halloween Path Marker with Batteries, LEDs, and Sound
3FWW Jack O' Lantern Pumpkin Pathway Markers with LED Illumination ...

Scary Halloween Path Markers

Perhaps the scary theme is desired.  Halloween parties for teenagers and adults usually have a scary theme.  It is part of the Holiday. 

Halloween Path Markers with Timer Included

It is possible to find Halloween path markers with a timer.  This can save from going outdoors at night to turn the path markers off.  There is one with a six-hour timer.  Unfortunately, if one timer is to work three path markers they must be connected by a wire, even though they are battery operated. 

Halloween LED Path Marker with Timer

Zombie Hands Pathway Markers

Solar Halloween Path Markers

In battery operated Halloween path markers, used batteries must be discarded to a landfill.  Or, rechargeable batteries must be used.  Charging batteries does require power, albeit a small amount of power. 


The best option is solar Halloween path markers.  They are easy to find if one is committed to the search.  The selection is not so wide as it is for battery operated Halloween path markers, but it can produce results. 

Making Your Own Halloween Path Markers

Use plastic Jack O’ Lanterns, ghosts, or other Halloween items with lights approved for outdoor usage.  Set these on the ground along a walk.  They form an excellent source of light, illuminating the walkway.  If they are to be left outdoors when not in use, be aware that the rainwater can collect and submerge the lights and batteries.  This may exceed the acceptability of using the lights outdoors.

Use Halloween String Lights

String lights can work if they are done so as not to be a tripping hazard, such as supporting the strings high enough above the ground.  Some nice light strings are available to awe the little children.  Make your Halloween display safe and enjoyable, the two necessities for a success.

The introductory image is my own Zazzle product. 

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Updated: 09/25/2019, blackspanielgallery
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blackspanielgallery on 06/17/2019

I consider these as being used year to year. There are Christmas path markers, in fact there is an abundance of them. I do not know of any other holiday versions, but you could always put something together.

DerdriuMarriner on 06/17/2019

blackspanielgallery, Thank you for the practical information and product lines. Are the path markers expected to last one Halloween or more? Are there equivalent themes for other holidays, such as July 4th and Labor Day?

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