How to Create an Exceptional Personals Ad

by JoyLynskey

Learning how to create the most effective, yet simple, personal ad is as simple as a few easy steps.

Dating isn't always easy, especially in a society where most people are always on the go and don't have the time for seeking out potential dates in the traditional way. With the help of a free online classified ad service however, finding your next date has become a lot more convenient. When considering placing a classified ad in the personals section, there are a few key things to include to ensure that you are drawing in the interests of the most compatible people. At the same time, you also need to take steps to ensure your safety.

Personal Ads on
Personal Ads on

Make Your Title Stand Out

The first thing viewers will see when browsing through classified ads is the title of the ad. In order to gain more readers, you need to make sure that your title stands out. Think of a unique and catchy phrase that describes you and what you are seeking. Like-minded people will feel compelled enough to click on your ad and see what you have to offer. This is a crucial step when creating your personals classified ad, as boring titles are usually overlooked in favor of more charming titles.

Introduce Yourself

When writing an introduction, make sure that you always put your basics such as your age, height, weight and your demographic location. Do not put your physical address and phone number in a free classified ad, as the entire public can view your ads. That information should be saved for a later time after you've met and spent time with potential dates in a public place, and feel safe providing your information. Also, put in a few details about what you enjoy. For example, if you are an avid jogger, be certain to include that in your introduction, or if you are looking for a reading partner, state that you are looking for a date to join you at a reading club.

More Personal and Specific

 Follow up with a paragraph that lets readers get to know a little bit more about you on a more personal level. For example, if you enjoy romantic dinners by candlelight be sure to include this. Some people may prefer to never be in a romantic setting, while others cherish and enjoy these times. If you are only looking for a casual date to go to the movies or the park with, be upfront and clear about this as others may be looking for something more serious. The more candid and honest you are about what you are seeking, the more likely you will find that perfect date. Don't write what you think will land you the most dates if you don't really believe in what you are writing.

In Closing

When wrapping up your classified, let readers know the best way to contact you. Consider creating an anonymous email address made specifically for your personal ad responses. Create a name that describes you such as “RomanticGuy01” or “SportyGirl.” Again, it's a wise idea to keep intimate details, personal email address included, out of the picture until you know and trust the other person.

Do you use a specific free classified ad site for your personal ads?

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Updated: 10/30/2011, JoyLynskey
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