How to Report Issues to Your City Free and Anonymously

by classicalgeek

Don't want your town to classify you as a troublemaker? Use this free and anonymous website!

Loose dogs, trash not picked up, broken-down vehicles in your neighbors' yards? No matter what the problem, a few simple steps can help you report issues to your local authorities without identifying yourself. Although the town or city will tell you it's best to report such issues directly, there are plenty of times when you don't want to be identified, and for good reason, such as you live next door to the problem and don't want trouble with your neighbors.

One Website to Fix Them All!

Don't spend hours on the phone with your local authorities trying to get that pothole fixed, the traffic light re-timed, or reporting any other problem. In the time it takes you to type up a short description, you're not only done with the reporting, but your community can vote on the priority of the issue you reported to be fixed. It's really that easy. In fact, your issue may already have been reported, and all you'll need to do it vote on it. In that case, it's even easier!

A pothole big enough to report
A pothole big enough to report
Public Domain

Ready? Here we Go!

The website is called SeeClickFix, and it's really easy to use. Here's the breakdown:

On the first page, enter your Zip Code in the search box and press enter.

That will take you to another page, where you can see the issues reported in your neighborhood. If you find your issue has already been reported, simply click to vote it up.

Okay, so you didn't find your issue already reported? No problem. Click the orange button that says "Report an Issue" in the top right corner of the page. This will take you to a new page.

On the next page, type in the street address of the problem, or use the map and drag the marker to the precise location of the problem. At the bottom right of the page, click the button that says "Next," and a confirmation window on the map will pop up. If the location is correct, click "Yes," and you will be taken to the next page. If the location is not correct, just move the marker until it is, then click the link in the popup confirmation window that says "Change location?" Then click the button that says "Next."

The next page will give you another form (don't worry, we're almost through) with the title of the issue (make this something specific, like loose dogs, pothole, broken signal light, etc.). You may also include a short description of the issue and photos of the problem.

Then there is a box you may click to keep your identity anonymous (you don't have to give your real name to register, but this is an additional level of safety). Then click the orange button that says "Report Your Issue" and you're done!

Better Yet . . .

You can report any of these kinds of issues, anywhere in the world. If you're visiting friends and their neighbors have old appliances on the porch, you can report that issue for them. On vacation and see a pothole? Help out the residents and report it.

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And Best of All . . .

SeeClickFix has apps for Windows Phone, Blackberry, iPhone, and Android. Snap a picture or shoot a video, report your issue, and you're done in a flash! And the app takes almost no room on your phone, so it's not going to slow you down.

Updated: 06/17/2015, classicalgeek
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AngelaJohnson on 07/09/2015

Thanks for this article. I never heard of SeeClickFix, but I'm going to spread the word.

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