Movie Review: Navy Seals Vs. Zombies (2015)

by StevenHelmer

A review of the 2015 zombie movie starring Ed Quinn. The movie also goes by the title "Navy Seals: Battle for New Orleans."

Synopsis: A team of Navy Seals are sent into Baton Rouge with orders to rescue the Vice President of the United States after a biological weapon attack causes a zombie outbreak in the city. As a secondary mission, the team is given the task of tracking down and evacuating a team of scientists that have been working on a cure.

Who's In It?


My wife and I have been having a mini zombie movie marathon the past few days and, when I came across this movie (under the name "Navy Seals: Battle for New Orleans"), I thought it looked interesting enough to add to our list. As it turns out, it was actually an OK movie.

First of all, I'll start out by admitting some confusion about the secondary "Battle for New Orleans" title. This is because the entire film takes place in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and, while I'm not a geography expert, I'm pretty sure those two cities are about 100 miles away from each other. That being said, the movie did have a lot going for it.

I think the thing I liked the most about this film was the way the team of Navy Seals had to face some pretty impossible odds. They were sent into the city without any information about what was happening and had their mission changed mid-stream even as their first mission of saving Vice President Bentley (Fox) was going south. The way they were forced to improvise on the fly like that while, at the same time, trying to protect any civilians they met up with, did keep things interesting.

I also liked the zombies in this movie. Unlike some other films, they didn't have any abilities that seemed a bit too cartoon-like. But, at the same time, they were still fast enough, strong enough and even smart enough to provide a challenge. This was definitely an upgrade over the slow-moving zombies you see in a lot of films in this genre.

Probably my only real complaint about the movie were the special effects, which were pretty weak. This is especially true of the very fake looking explosions that were obviously added to the film later. Those did give the otherwise decent movie a bit of a cheaply-made feel to it.

Final Opinion

I'm still confused about the New Orleans reference and wish it had better special effects. But, overall, I thought this was a decent zombie movie and one I would recommend taking the time to watch on a rainy day.

My Grade: B

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Updated: 04/28/2016, StevenHelmer
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