Spider Cupcakes

by lou16

Are you looking for instructions to make some great looking spider cupcakes? I have some great spider cupcake recipes for you to choose from.

Spider Cupcakes are great to eat for Halloween, although they can also a hit at children’s birthday parties. I am thinking of serving up some spider cupcakes at a Gothic inspired tween birthday party later on this year which is why I have been spending time trying to think how to create the best spider cupcakes.

How to Make Spider Cupcakes

spider cupcakes

I’ve come up with 3 different ways of decorating spider cupcakes and have also found a few more links to alternative spider cupcake recipes including a gorgeous one for a Miss Spider cupcake that I personally put in the ‘too hard for me basket’!

I will be making plain cupcakes by using a generic cake mix from the supermarket and baking them.   The reason I do this is because I know the children like them and they always turn out okay.   I’m more interested in the decorating of the spider cupcakes and here are my few different ideas.

This cool photo of spider cupcakes is being used with thanks to Jamieanne.

Spider Cupcake #1

Chocolate Spiders – Yum!

You can use chocolate or vanilla cupcakes for these, but I recommend chocolate all the way.   These are definitely one of the easiest ways of decorating spider cupcakes that I know.


Chocolate sprinkles

Licorice shoestrings

Coconut rolls (the type from the Licorice Allsorts range of sweets, preferably the yellow ones)

Chocolate frosting


These are so easy you can get your children to work decorating them – honestly!  

Step one is to frost all of the cupcakes.

Step two is to add chocolate sprinkles all over the top of the cake.

Step three – add two coconut rolls next to each other at the front of the top of the cupcake (these are the eyes)

Step four – cut the licorice into 3 inch long pieces and add four to each side of the cupcake – secure them by poking them into the frosting.

Easy peasy delicious chocolate spider cupcakes – what could be easier?

Do These Spider Cupcakes Sound Easy to Make?

Spider Cupcake Number 2

This will make 12 cupcakes


¼ cup butter

2 cups confectioners’ sugar (icing sugar)

1 tsp grated orange peel

Orange food coloring

2-4 tbsp orange juice

½ cup chocolate frosting

Black shoestring licorice

12 black gumdrops


  • The first step is to make the buttercream so take the butter and sugar and cream them together until the mix is nice and fluffy.
  • Add the orange peel and orange food coloring to achieve a lovely Halloween orange color and then add the orange juice until you get to a nice spreadable consistency.
  • Keep ¼ of the orange frosting to one side and use the remaining orange frosting to frost all of your cupcakes.
  • Transfer the chocolate frosting to a piping bag (I like the Betty Crocker one – delicious) and pipe a circle of chocolate in the center of each cupcake.   Pipe evenly spaced thin circles around the first one going outwards.
  • Once you’ve reached the outside of the cake you need to get a toothpick to help you turn these circles of chocolate frosting into a cobweb.   To do this you 'draw' eight imaginary lines with the toothpick.    Starting in the middle and drawing it down towards the outer part of the cupcake - like you're adding compass points - first south, then north, west and east.   Once you've done these four lines you simply add one between each of them and you have the illusion of a cobweb (remember to wipe your toothpick clean between each line) 
  • Next you need to cut your licorice shoestings into 2 inch long pieces and push eight of them into each gumdrop to make your spiders.
  • Take the reserved orange frosting and pop inside of an icing bag and use the orange to pipe eyes onto each gumdrop.
  • Carefully place the spiders onto each of the cupcakes and you have 12 cute spider cupcakes ready to serve.

Is Your Mouth Drooling Yet?

Spider Cupcake #3

If you want a really cute looking spider cupcake where the whole cupcake is a spider as opposed to it being a spider decorated cupcake then this is the recipe for you.

It’s adapted from a Wilton spider cupcake idea that uses cookies – I’m going with fondant instead!

You will need –

Wilton Halloween Cupcake and Cookie Stencils (see opposite)

Orange and white cans of frosting (see opposite)

Black licorice twists

Fondant icing

Black food coloring/black icing decorator pen

Orange food coloring

The first step is to get your fondant out and add orange food coloring to it.    Simply add a couple of drops and knead it in, then add more until you have the orange you want (hopefully a match to the orange icing in the can).

Roll out your orange fondant and cut out some circles – this will be making the face of the spider so I would go for a 2 ½ in round cookie cutter.

Leave the fondant to fully dry out and harden.   I would make this in the evening and then put the cupcakes together the following day, but that’s because we live in a humid climate without air conditioning!

The next step is to place the stencil of the face over the orange fondant and use your black icing decorator pen or black food coloring to put the face onto the fondant.

If you’re using black food coloring then get a paint brush (that you only use for cake decorating), pour some black food coloring into a saucer and paint it over the stencil – the effect is rather like a water color so it doesn’t pop as much as if you use black icing.

Using a black icing decorator pen you need to basically fill in the stencil – now if you’ve got one of these cool pens you could also try and draw the face free style instead.

Now to the cake – use the star nozzle that comes with the cans and ice a couple of rows the orange across the cupcake, then a couple of rows of the black etc until you have a striped cupcake.

Cut the licorice twists into 1 ½ inch lengths and attach.

Next you have to attach the fondant to the front of the cupcakes, I would be attaching the legs and face to the cupcakes when they were already on the serving plates so that neither legs or face will fall off before everyone has seen these cute little spiders!

Spider Cupcake Pictures

There Are Some Great Spider Cupcake Photos Available
spider minis
spider minis
spider cupcake — oct 27
spider cupcake — oc...
Deadly Chocolate Spider cupcakes
Deadly Chocolate Sp...

More Spider Cupcake Recipes

They're Crawling Out of the Woodwork!

Spider Cupcakes
These spiders have really big eyes, they're certainly big enough to buy you!

Crawly Spider Cakes
There are a selection of easy to make spider cupcakes here.

How to Make Spider Cupcakes
A very simple idea as to how you can decorate your spider cupcakes for Halloween.

Cool Spider Cupcakes
These spider cupcakes look more cool than creepy and are actually white in color!

Ghost & Spider Cupcakes
A very simple idea for decorating spider cupcakes brought to you by the always reliable food network.

Spooky Spider Cupcakes
Well actually they're not that spooky, but they're easy to make and enjoyed by everyone!

Miss Spider Cupcakes
Not a Halloween style of spider cupcake, but a fun birthday party one - I took one look at the photo and decided it would be too hard for me!

Show Off Your Spider Cupcakes in Style

Halloween Cupcake Stands
Glitterville Halloween Spider Cake Stand with Glass Dome Cover, 3-piece Set

Around and around the chairs she goes ... where the music stops, no one knows! But grabbing a seat with legs of eight will most ensure she gets the cake! The ceramic cake ...

Cupcake stands are a great way to showcase your best cupcakes and these Halloween cupcake stands are no exception.

More Halloween Cupcake Ideas

Are you going to serve a Halloween cupcake or two this year? There are some great ways of making and/or decorating your Halloween cupcakes which I’ve tried to pull together here
Updated: 07/20/2012, lou16
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Are You Ready To Make Some Spider Cupcakes?

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janices7 on 02/17/2012

I've made these spider cupcakes before for our annual Halloween party. They were easy to make and all the guests loved them. I've featured this page on my first Wizzley page....http://wizzley.com/halloween-... It is fun to see a fellow Squidooer over here too :)

ForestBear on 08/13/2011

What a fun idea, great page!

mivvy on 07/23/2011

They look so good. I love the big spider on top.

Guest on 06/17/2011

Yummy! These spider cupcakes are really fun.

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