Superman and Supergirl Costumes

by blackspanielgallery

Two Halloween costumes that are easy to wear are the Superman and the Supergirl costumes. These are available from toddler through adult, and are even available for the dog.

Every year people look for a Halloween costume that gets them noticed at a party. Others, the younger children, seek out costumes for trick or treat. Then, adults escorting the small children on their trick or treat ventures often add to the atmosphere by dressing in a costume. Whatever your costume needs the Supergirl costume is likely to be popular in response to the television series. And Superman is a solid choice. Imagine a couple dressing as Superman and Supergirl!

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Costumes for Toddlers

Boys and Girls Superman and Supergirl Costumes

Some toddlers actually go trick or treating in my area, although some are too young to actually eat the candy they get.  In many cases they are with older children, and participate with a pumpkin or a bag.  They are often in costume, even though the more cumbersome costumes may bother them.  A Superman or Supergirl costume is not too cumbersome, and even more important is they will not be afraid of the costume.  A Superman or Supergirl costume is an excellent choice for young children.   In fact, these costumes are really cute of the very young.

Costumes for Kids

Kid's Superman Costume and Supergirl Costume

Children often look up to superheroes, and both Superman and Supergirl fall into the superhero category.  It is a better choice for a child than something scary if a younger sibling is along to trick or treat. 


The Superman and Supergirl costumes allow for ease of movement, and are not encumbered by hot, uncomfortable masks.  If the weather is cold an inner layer of clothing is easily added.  If properly worn the cape should not interfere with movement.  So, these are comfortable costumes that can prevent the child from getting cold while allow the child to move about freely.


Adult Superman Costume and Supergirl Costume

Popular Halloween Costume Choices

Adult costumes can be elaborate or simple, and the choice may well depend on the budget.  The Supergirl costume shown has a fuller cape than some, which can be held closed as protection against the fall weather.  It is a rather nice choice, and if tights are worn the Supergirl effect will still remain.


If the lady is a plus size, that is not a problem.  Supergirl costumes are available in plus sizes.  Below is an example on one.


The Superman costume also features a red cape over a blue suit. 


Regardless of whether one is wearing a Superman or a Supergirl costume, the basic color is blue with a red cape.  The large S emblem is a must.  It is what really defines the costume.  


Check the wonderful selection at Wholesale Halloween Costumes.

Super Dog Costume

Pet Costume

Some people insist on bringing a dog along with the rest of the family when going out to trick or treat.  Yes, dog costumes are available, and some even have the red cape and S emblem.  If your dog will tolerate he costume, you can walk alongside Super Dog.  And, there is a male dog and a female dog version, although I doubt the dog would know there is a difference. 


For a dog costume you want to go as inexpensive as possible.  Even if your dog is a frequent sweater wearer, the cape can be another matter, so you might have to go to a dog with the S emblem on a blue piece of clothing, and forego the cape.

Pet Halloween Costume

Superman Costume for Dog
Superman Pet Costume

Dawn of Justice Halloween Costume

Dawn of Justice Superman and Dawn of Justice Supergirl

The Superman costumes and Supergirl costumes change over time, as the characters modernize.  In 2017 the movie came out that entirely new costumes for both characters.  The Dawn of Justice costumes are different, so if you want the new version of the costume you want the Dawn of Justice costume.  These are poised to become  popular choice of Halloween costumes for a Halloween party.  And, they will certainly say you did not have the costume for years.  It is the new, updates version.

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Updated: 08/03/2017, blackspanielgallery
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blackspanielgallery on 08/14/2015

There are some that are not so nice, but I carefully selected these.

younghopes on 08/14/2015

These are really lovely costumes and would look great on the kids

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