The Bee Tree Community CIC;- an online support community

by Veronica

Lockdown was tough for everyone but the newly formed online Bee Tree Community, based in Lancashire was like having a reassuring but virtual hug.

Started in 2020 and further developed in 2021, people who attend The Bee Tree Community online zoom sessions do so for a variety of reasons. Being locked down for so long emphasised existing personal issues and created new ones too.

The Bee Tree Community is a warm, supportive, non-judgemental, funny, caring group of people and we can all be assured of a warm welcome and very cheaply too. Social exclusion exists for many reasons and the founders realised that people needed an online community in order to connect.

The wonderful Lancashire-based, Debbie and Clare started Bee Tree and it has been a huge help to me and many others, emotionally. Plus, I have learned a lot too.

It is a CIC which means Community Interest Company and so is non profit making.

The link to the Bee Tree website is below.

Why choose the Bee Tree Name ?

bee tree logo
bee tree logo

Winnie The Pooh

The name Bee Tree is based on Winnie the Pooh and the well-loved phrase,  

"A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside".

Also note the pun, "Well Beeing" 

How does it work.?

The first month's subscription is free; after that, it works out to approximately £2.50 a week ( US dollars $2.95 a week ) and for this, a member can zoom into as many sessions as they wish. 

There is a daily timetable of sessions run by a team of talented volunteers. These sessions include Cooking, Gardening, Wordgames, Creative Writing, History, Family History, Art lessons, Storytime, Craft sessions, Film and Book Club, Knit and Natter and much more. There is an option to stop your video for privacy or mute your microphone. It is all very informal; occasionally, I wear my PJs and dressing gown ( bathrobe ). Each session lasts at least an hour to an hour and a half and there is usually at least one session on most days. I will have attended at least 3 this week ( Storytime, Quiz and Wordplay  ) which works out to about 82p (US  97 cents ) per session for me this week. 

Members communicate and connect by What's App usually as this is free at the moment ( Aug 2022).  

Fun Quiz


Quiz and Bingo Night

Another session is the Tuesday night Quiz and Bingo. As in keeping with the Bee Tree ethos, it is a laid-back, fun, non-pressurised quiz set by a highly intelligent, funny, young quizmaster. I must say, I laugh every week.

Home cooking


What have I gained from belonging to Bee Tree ?

Belonging to Bee Tree has opened up a world of support, education,  friendship and opportunity for me in addition to combatting my stress, loneliness and anxiety. 


If you are needing some online support and friendship, take a look at the links on this page and see if Bee Tree appeals to you. The first month is free so if it is not for you, then you can always cancel.  I am glad that I did not cancel as I feel so much better for being part of this remarkable community created by two extraordinary ladies. Deb and Clare, Thank You.


The link to the Bee Tree website is below.

Updated: 08/25/2022, Veronica
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Tolovaj on 12/04/2022

This community definitely looks fun. I like how people found the ways to be together even if they are not being able together in reality. Zoom has its pros and cons and here is a clear pro.

Veronica on 09/19/2022

Hi Derdriu.

I used that photo merely to show some home cooking. This is a chocolate cake dessert I made with a chocolate fudge sauce to go on top of it . Every scrap was eaten.

There is a cooking session every second Sunday on Bee Tree.

DerdriuMarriner on 09/03/2022

Veronica, Thank you for product lines, pretty pictures and practical information.

In particular, the range of educational entertainment, entertaining education in the daily sessions is impressive.

What is the story behind that beautiful, fresh chocolate-frosted cake?

WriterArtist on 08/30/2022

I can see why it is a popular activity among bee and tree lovers. Besides socializing, it combats stress and help grow as a community in support of vegetation and our friendly bees.

Veronica on 08/25/2022

Ty for commenting. Yes people who live close to, do meet up which is lovely. But some meet up anyway on our Zooms!

blackspanielgallery on 08/25/2022

An interesting idea. Now that contact is possible will it morph into actual meetings? I see scattered members as an obstacle, but smaller groups could easily gather.

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