The Night Santa Got Trapped (A Poem)

by StevenHelmer

A fun Christmas poem that drew inspiration from my daughter's messy room.

I was in my daughter's room the other night and realized it was, once again, a major mess. With Christmas around the corner, I found myself wondering what would happen if Santa Claus decided to drop in on her and realized, if he entered her room in the dark, he probably wouldn't be able to get out. That realization inspired me to write this poem.

My Poem

He came in through the chimney,

As he does every Christmas Eve.

He carried a bag over his shoulder

With more presents in it than you could believe.

Santa was delivering his gifts

For Violet and Rose.

And, as he entered their living room

He smiled as the smell of fresh cookies and milk entered his nose.

Photo courtesy of Pixabay

His joyful spirit,

And the goodwill he felt,

Soon turned into surprised despair

From the pain that filled his foot with a jolt.

Who would have known

With his boots so thick

A single building block left on the floor

Would still hurt like heck?

As his eyes filled up with tears,

He tried not to shout out loud.

There was a family sleeping nearby 

And loud noises simply were not allowed.

As he hopped around though

Santa slipped on a toy car and crashed into the tree.

He then fell to the floor with a thud

And skinned up his knee.

He sat there stunned,

Hoping he didn't wake the girls from their winter nap.

And, as he scanned the dark room

He realized he was trapped.

Santa Claus
Santa Claus
Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Various toys were scattered

And littered the floor.

In the distance, he could even see

A pile of dolls by the front door.

The girls must have spent their day playing

And left everything behind.

As a result

The front room was literally mined.

Santa sat staring

At the big mess.

And the thought of crossing the room

Left him breathless.

The room was dark

And he dreaded trying to walk through the toys.

But, at the same time, he knew he needed to get moving.

He still needed to see many other girls and boys.

Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Reluctantly, he stood

And carefully navigated toward the kitchen

He was hobbled from his fall

And his scraped-up knee was itchin'.

Santa saw the cookies on the kitchen table

And limped hurriedly toward the treats.

He didn't even stop for a moment

When he heard the girls' crayons crunching under his feet.

He drank the milk and ate the cookies

Then helped himself to one more.

Finally, realizing the chimney would be too much trouble

Headed out the back door.


Cookies and Milk
Cookies and Milk
Photo courtesy of Pixabay

The next morning

When the girls awoke.

They found two presents by the kitchen table

Along with a handwritten note.

"Merry Christmas to you

And a Happy New Year.

I hope the next few months

Bring you plenty of cheer.

Santa loves you very much

I just wanted you to know.

But, the state of that floor, little girls,

Honestly dealt me a blow.

So I chose to leave you each one gift this year.

Violet, I gave you a dust pan. Rose, you got a broom.

If you would like me to bring you toys next Christmas Eve

Please use these to clean that room."


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Updated: 11/13/2016, StevenHelmer
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DerdriuMarriner on 01/07/2022

StevenHelmer, Thank you for your poem!
In particular, I like the living room being described as "mined" and your having Santa step on the girls' crayons.

Would the poet by chance know what presents Santa would have left had Rose and Violet picked up after themselves?

CountrySunshine on 12/18/2015

Cute! Perhaps these gifts will get the girls to clean their room!

blackspanielgallery on 12/18/2015

And I bet next year will be as messy.

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