Where is Prague on the Map

by Sam

A quick overview about Prague's geographical location, map included. Learn where the original Prague is on the map ;-)

To see where Prague is on the map, please refer to the image below. You can zoom in and out to adjust it and to see so where Prague is in relation to other cities in Europe. If you want to learn a bit more about Prague and its geographical position relative to other European countries, read on below the map ;-)

Prague on the Map

... the one in the Czech Republic ;-)

Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, is situated pretty much in the center of Bohemia, the region that forms the western part of the country. Oh, and as a side note, Prague is a central European capital, not an East European one ;-) Vienna, the capital of Austria is more to the east than Prague and nobody would call Austria an East European country. The country itself borders on Austria, Germany, Poland and Slovakia (with whom it formed one country, under the name of Czechoslovakia, from 1918-92) Prague was also the capital of that one. As for the geographical location, Prague lies in what is known as the Bohemian Basin and is divided by the river Vltava. Its city center is in the valley, close to river, and it is surrounded and built upon nine hills.

Thanks to an extensive road and railway network (Prague has four railway stations), the navigable river plus an international airport, the Golden City can be reached easily from all over the world by plane, bus, coach, car, boat or train.

Best Prague Travel Guide! And Your very Own Prague Map!

I have, and read, them all, this one is the best! Click image to read a sample chapter - or two!
Lonely Planet Prague (City Travel Guide)Streetwise Prague Map - Laminated Cit...

Other interesting things to know about Prague

  • Yes, Prague is in Europe and in the Schengen zone, and no, it hasn't adopted the Euro as a currency yet - the Czech currency is called 'koruna', 'crowns' in English.
  • Yes, if you are from a non-Schengen country, you will need a visa, but it will be valid for the whole of 'Schengen'.
  • Prague is ideally located for trips to and from other European capitals, like Vienna, Budapest or Bratislava, best done by bus or by train so that you can see the landscape in between.
  • Yes, the Czech beer is very good and really inexpensive, but be careful, public drunkenness is frowned upon here - so be moderate with it ;-)
  • Yes, the Czech food is also very good, but also very heavy, I always say jokingly  that cholesterol is the main ingredients in Czech cuisine ;-)

Now that you know where Prague is on the map, and how close it is to other European capitals, I hope you will visit soon!

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Updated: 11/07/2012, Sam
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Sam on 06/11/2012

You are always welcome to stay with us, we have a nice guest bedroom ;-)

JoHarrington on 06/11/2012

I would love to visit Prague!

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