Cute Panda iPhone Cases

by Bobski606

Pandas are cute and can make your iPhone look awesome too. These great iPhone cases will work with loads of outfits, styles and accessories you just need to find the one you like.

Since the orignal iPhone came out 2007 there have been many redesigns on the external case. The wonderful thing about inter-changeable cases is that you can swap them in and out with your mood, your outfit, the seasons, or the fashion of the time.

If you love Pandas and think they are just adorable then you are in the right place. On this page you can find 10 of the cutest panda iPhone cases available from Zazzle as well as a great selection from Amazon.

Panda iPhone cases can be used for any occasion as they have a neutral theme. You can always decide on a color scheme for your outfits plus accessories and then work with the background on the iPhone case. Either way your iPhone is going to look really cute with one of these Pandas.

If you have a version of the iPhone that isn't listed then you'll be able to go through to the specific stores anyway and locate your particular version through their own selection. Simply pick the one you like and go through to select your sizing and delivery options, and then sit back and relax until your Panda comes a-knockin' on your door.

Photo Credit: Geroge Lu, Flickr

Quick Panda FAQ

I thought it might be interesting to include a little bit of information on pandas themselves. So have a quick look through the FAQ and expand your knowledge bases on these adorable creatures.

  1. What species is the Panda? Early on scientists thought that pandas were closer to raccoon than bears but this is no longer the case. Pandas are from the bear species and most like the spectacled bear of South America.
  2. Where do wild Pandas live? They originate in China, specifically around the Sichuan Basin, southwest China.
  3. How long do Pandas live for? In the wild they normally live for about 15 years but in captivity they have been known to live to 35 years of age.
  4. What do Pandas eat and how much? Even though pandas are technically carnivorous about 99% of their diet is from bamboo and they can eat up to 20-30 lbs of bamboo shots a day.
  5. How many Pandas are left in the wild? The precise number fluctuates but at the moment there are about 1000 giant pandas left in the wild.
  6. How big to Pandas get? Male pandas are generally large and can be 4-6 ft long and 2-3 ft tall, on average the males weigh up 160 kg (352 lbs). The females are about 20% smaller and can weigh as low as 75 kg (165 lbs)

I hope you enjoyed this little FAQ on pandas. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any further questions.

You can also find out some more detailed information about the Giant Panda here.

Giant Panda Territory

Changing Your iPhone Casing

If you've never changed an iPhone case before then you might be a little daunted by the prospect of potentially breaking your phone. Fear not because it's actually quite easy to change the casing and all you need is a screw-driver and a little patience.

Take a look through the video just below before attempting the switch over and it will make life a lot easier for you. In the video the guy takes about 4 minutes to show the process but you can actually change it a lot quicker if you don't do all the talking. You'll see that it's a nice quick and easy process and you wont have any problems as long as you follow these instructions.

How To Change Your iPhone Casing

Do you think pandas will ever recover from their near extinction?

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Giant Panda Posters

Giant Panda, Mother and BabyGiant Panda Feeding, Qionglai Mtns, Sichuan, ChinaPlanet Earth - Panda
Ad AllPosters

iPhone Features

If you've stumbled across this page looking for great panda pictures and have instead decided that you'd love to get a phone case then great! But what if you haven't got an iPhone to put on of these cases on?

Let me give you a run down on the iPhone features to see if it's actually worth your time in getting one first of all.

  • Large 4 inch screen with 1136 x 640 pixels and a 16:9 aspect ratio
  • 8 megapixel camera with loads of apps to edit your photos
  • 225 hour battery time which works out to be about 40 hours of music time, 10 hours of video, 10 hours of wi-fi time, 8 hours of 3GS Talk Time.
  • High-speed LTE networks - just really fast internet
  • Safari browser to allow you to surf the net
  • Organizational tools to keep your day in line
  • Video and music players

As I'm sure you're aware the iPhone is just like your standard phone nowadays but what makes it one of the best is the actual quality of the product. This phone is going to last a while and just keep on giving, it's not going to conk out on you 1 year later and if you need any repairs done it's easy enough to do yourself (think changing cases) or the Apple team will get the job done for you instead. 

If you're still not sure then a quick search of the Internet is going to give you all the reviews you need in order to make an informed decision. But still, think of the cute little pandas.


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Updated: 04/16/2017, Bobski606
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katiem2 on 02/05/2013

Oh my theses Panda phone cases are so adorable. :)K

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