About Terri Rexson

by TerriRexson

Terri Rexson writes on Wizzley and other writing sites as well as her own web sites.

Why I Write Online

I started writing online in the summer of 2010. I was finding myself working on my day job in the evenings and not getting a proper break so I thought I'd better find something else to do that would grab my attention. 

I had a vague thought that maybe one day I could start an online business so thought I'd learn the ropes and possibly develop some useful skills. 

What I Write About

On Squidoo I write a lot about dinosaurs and my lensmaster name is DinosaurEgg. Head over to Squidoo if you want to find out more about how I ended up writing about dinosaurs, but it was pretty much an accident. It was just a fun subject that my older son was really interested in and I was looking into anyway - dinosaur facts, TV shows, toy figures, crafts, clothing etc. We have a house full of dino gear so I didn't have to go far for inspiration. 

Here on Wizzley I've also been writing about dinosaurs. But lots of other subjects too - many related to my kids. In addition to dinosaurs, their current obessions are safari animals (particularly African animals), Playmobil and Lego, and Star Wars. 

Personally, I'm a techie and science fan (I'm a computer scientist so not a proper scientist!). I love good design and we've always been early adopters. We have a lot of home automation gear in our house - you can press a button and have the kettle come on. We have PV solar panels on our roof and electrical underfloor heating. 

I also studied philosophy at college level and I'm interested in lifestyle engineering and living a considered life. I'm a humanist and rationalist. 

I love movies (especially by the Coen Brothers), reading (historical fantasy is a favorite genre), computer games (especially RPGs). 

Quitting my Job to Make Money Online

Yes, it's a cliche, I'm quitting my job to make money online. Well actually I'm taking a long leave from my day job. I love my job but I'm at a point where I need to change role and that's just too hard to do at my level of seniority with two small kids. So I've decided to try something different for a while and see if I can make money online. 

Yes, this is pretty crazy in the current economy. I'm the main wage earner with a very high salary by most people's standards. But it's not all about money is it? I've been pretty careful with money so I can decide to take some time out without any major risk. On the other hand, I'll feel pretty guilty if I give up a very good salary and don't manage to bring in some real money within a few years. 

My concerns? I'm concerned that me being at home more might unbalance our equal parenting. Hopefully my partner can start to work from home too within the next few years. 

Find out how I'm doing on Wizzley

This is my Wizzley earnings page. I'll share information about how much money I'm earning from Wizzley in the hope that others will find it useful.
My goals for online earning at Wizzley in 2012. Wizzley is a site where writers can earn money - and it works! It has a big role in my 2012 business plan.

What I've Been Eating

Clean Eating Sausage Balls - Recipe by Jimmie
Clean Eating Sausage Balls - Recipe by Jimmie

Jimmie's Clean Eating Sausage Balls

They're Very Good.
Love sausage balls but hate the nitrates in sausage and the weird fats in processed baking mixes? Make sausage balls the healthy clean eating way with this recipe and tutorial.

What I'm Reading

On my Kindle and iPhone

I've been a fan of the Motley Fool since I was at University and have read many of their books over the years. 

One of their recent titles caught my eye and before I knew it, it was magicked to my Kindle. And my iPhone, I love the auto-syncing between the two. 

I'll write a review when I've read it. 

Warren Buffet Invests Like a Girl

And Why You Should Too
Warren Buffett Invests Like a Girl: And Why You Should Too (Motley Fool)

Investing isn't a man's world anymore—and that's a good thing for individual portfolios, Wall Street, and the world's financial system.Warren Buffett and the women of the ...

HarperCollins e-books  / Only $2.99
Updated: 01/10/2012, TerriRexson
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T_Harmon_Art on 09/03/2011

I look forward to the day that I can quit my job and earn money online. I have a Zazzle store and love to write, too. Unfortunately, I do not make much and can't even afford health care (don't get me started on THAT subject, lol) so I can't afford to take any time off to give it a go. It is frustrating as there is so much I want to do but with a "real" job cramping my style, I'll just have to work harder with the time I have. I wish you all the best in this new adventure. It's not all about the money...personal happiness can come from the smallest of things, and being your own boss is a great thing. All the best!

TerriRexson on 07/04/2011

Thanks all. And Jimmie, it's inspiring to see others doing well. I also appreciate living at a time when making money from home like this is possible.

Jimmie on 07/04/2011

I am not the primary wage earner, but I am able to help a lot with my online earnings. In the past, it was money for vacations and extras. Our situation has changed, and now it's pretty essential to our budget. So I am thankful for the chance to earn money online.

celeBritys4africA on 07/04/2011

Nice to know more about you. I am your fan now.

chefkeem on 07/04/2011

Well, it's very nice to get to know you a little bit better, Terri.
We do have at least one thing in common...our love for Coen Bros. films. :)

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