
aka Akum from Las Vegas, Nevada. Wizzley author for 12 years.   22%  

celeBritys4africA, Inc. a 501 (C) 3 organization registered in Nevada, has been instrumental in creating cancer awareness in Africa, particularly in Cameroon where the level of cancer awareness is low and cancer related deaths are high. celeBritys4africA provides awareness information on breast,cervical, colon, liver, lung and prostate cancers for both adults and teenagers with the hope of building a very strong, knowledgeable and cancer aware society in the next 10 years thereby hoping to reduce the number of cancer occurrence in Sub-Saharan Africa which the United Nations now projects 11.2 million new cases by 2020. Within the last 18 months, celeBritys4africA and its Foot Soldiers, using its CancerOne College Program, have reached out to 1.3 million Cameroonians through schools, hospitals, churches, cultural groups and even providing need based payment for radiotherapy.

celeBritys4africA and Foot Soldiers are helping Africa
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