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Visit Cambridge as a Syd Barrett Fan
I admit I am not a fan of Pink Floyd. I know some of their songs and this is it, but you presented Syd's story in such inspiring way I would like to listen at least one of their early albums from start to finish. Knowing the story behind this ...
Tolovaj, on 05/02/2012
Sleep and Health
@WendyFinn ahhh, middle age is so nice. I'll take a nap over a night out anytime.
Holistic_Health, on 05/02/2012
Cupcake Card Template and Tutorial
@Katie - thank you, that really made me smile. Great point about a cupcake card for a Mom, perhaps for Mother's Day or a Birthday treat card. @Sheila. I hope you enjoy using the free template and thank you for visiting. @2uesday. I like the ...
Marie, on 05/02/2012
Best Labrador Cufflinks
They are a wonderful gift for anyone who adores dogs. Thanks for visiting, Sheila.
Marie, on 05/02/2012
Best Wolf Cufflinks
Funnily enough, I always found it more interesting to look at my Dad's cufflinks than my Mom's jewelry. I think he just has such an awesome range. Thanks for your visit.
Marie, on 05/02/2012
Sleep Apnea and Weight: Symptoms and Risks
I know several people with sleep apnea-friends and family members. Most of them are overweight, although some aren't but have unusual sleeping patterns anyway. It is scary to think they could die from this. I worry especially about people who ...
FloraBreenRobison, on 05/02/2012
Even When A Friendship Dies, You Have to Work With People in a Civilized Manner
kinworm-I have friends that I've had since childhood and we don't see each other for a while and the next time we talk it is as if we just talked the day before. But yes, I am finding that a large number of people identify with what happened to ...
FloraBreenRobison, on 05/02/2012
Cupcake Card Template and Tutorial
Marie, these cards are adorable! I will certainly use the template. Thank you so much!
sheilamarie, on 05/02/2012
Best Labrador Cufflinks
Great gift for a dog lover! I love the wedding story!
sheilamarie, on 05/02/2012
Best Wolf Cufflinks
It must be fun for you to look at your Dad's cufflinks he has collected over the years. Wolf cufflinks would be fun to give, especially to some men.
sheilamarie, on 05/02/2012
Make Paper Mache
@kinworm: What a great idea! Trees and mushrooms from paper mache look great! I'd love to see yours -- another wizzle idea? @katiem2: Pinatas are one of the things that are fun to make with paper mache. I've just added a video tutorial above ...
sheilamarie, on 05/02/2012
Make Paper Mache
Great advice, I've attempted many paper mache pinatas before I got it right. Oh I wish I had found this tutorial sooner. But I'm here now and still learned a great many helpful tips solving the difficulties I've experienced with paper mache ...
katiem2, on 05/02/2012
Peacock Earrings
WOW these peacock earrings look like the real thing. I've always marveled at the beauty of peacock feathers. Feathers are so trendy now, these hit the mark and then some.
katiem2, on 05/02/2012
What Started the Hatfield and McCoy Family Feud - How Many People were Killed?
What a cool bit of information on a very old cautionary tale. I too had not idea what the big feud was all about. Interesting to learn the scoop on the Hatfields and McMoys
katiem2, on 05/02/2012
Cupcake Card Template and Tutorial
I second that vote, you are def the Queen of craft. Thinking more about this amazing card, any Mother would treasure getting a card like this, one sure to be found decades later in Mom's keepsakes.
katiem2, on 05/02/2012

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