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Benefits of Having Several Affiliate Partnerships

Posts: 0
on 04/06/2014

Dear Wizzley partners,

Are there any benefits to having more than one, several, affiliate information links, attached to an account?

Is the 50% plus of revenue share based on a condition that one must sign up to all advertisement services to achieve this, or if one signs up to just one, they still have 50% of impressions made to whatever affiliate site, whether 50% of just one or 50% of all? In other words, if I choose, for instance, to sign up and provide affiliate information to 1 of 4 possible choices, does it mean that I have just reduced my revenue opportunity down from 50% to 12.5% (one fourth)?


Richard McCollim
Posts: 3100
on 04/07/2014

An impression occurs when someone visits your page.

Half of the time (50%) we show your affiliate IDs (Amazon, Google AdSense, etc.), and half of the time we show ours.

In other words - when someone opens your article and clicks on an ad, either you or Wizzley gets credited for that click and/or subsequent sales commission.

It's usually best to show one or two highly relevant ads within your article.

Hope this helps. Smile

Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform, yeah -
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