What's My Skin Type

by katiem2

Learn to identify your skin type and the best care for your individual skin needs.

Do you know your skin type? If you don't or think you do but aren't certain follow along as we explore the different skin types. Once you read this page you will have no doubt as to what skin type you are.

This will allow you to care for and maintain your skin to it optimal health. Be good to your skin and years later you'll be so glad you did as your skin in standing the test of time and looking youthful.

Know Your Skin Type

The basic rule of good health and beauty is to first know your skin type.

We should each know our own skin type as this is key information when it comes to looking our best and enjoying optimal beauty. It is also important to know which category you fall into when choosing skin care products.  

All skin is not equal and has different needs.

Do you know your skin type? Are you sure? I have a simple guide pointing you in the direction of your exact skin type.  

This will save both your wallet and skin as you stop buying and using products not suitable for your face and body.  Be careful to read the details on the skin care products you buy in the future matching products to your type of skin.

How to Know Your Skin Type

It's easy to know your skin type once you've learned the five basic types.

There are five basic skin types;

  1. Normal - look for products for normal skin
  2. Dry - look for product labels for dry skin
  3. Oily - read labels for problem or oily skin
  4. Sensitive - be careful to note for sensitive skin
  5. Combination - look for the labels for combination skin either combination dry or oily

To learn which of the above skin types you have read the descriptions below and determine which best describes you.  Once you know the correct skin type for you be aware of the product labels as outlined to meet the special needs of your skin.  Good skin care is paramount to promote healthy skin that remains youthful.


The Most Common Skin Type

Most people have combination skin.
  1. Combination Skin - is a combination of some or all of the basic skin types with the types occurring in different areas of the face and body. For example you may have a dry face with an oily forehead etc.  Combination simply means your skin varies in different areas.
  2. Normal Skin - is supple, soft and clear not too dry or too oily. Normal skin does not tend to be sensitive to sun easily adapting to weather or environment conditions.
  3. Dry Skin - feels tight and drawn after washing, looks dull in need of consistent moisturizing in order to avoid peeling, flaking and often discomfort from itching or burning.
  4. Oily Skin - feels soft and supple after washing but quickly becomes shiny needing more frequent cleaning often throughout the day. Oily skin types tend to have large pores and is prone to breakouts especially in and around the hairline.
  5. Sensitive Skin - is reactive to sunlight and irritants burning easily and often developing rashes, blotches or spots when new products are used, especially chemicals often found in skin care products and make-up.

More by Katie McMurray

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Updated: 02/18/2012, katiem2
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Pinkchic18 on 02/23/2012

This is helpful! I always hear people talking about their skin type and what type of makeup they'll need but I've never really read the descriptions of what makes a certain skin type.

katiem2 on 02/06/2012

Glad you approve, being the real authority on skin care your opinion really means a lot. I'd be honored having you link it or maybe visa versa, I'll do the same.

Angel on 02/06/2012

Very good information. I need to link this to my foundation article.

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