Tinnitus is a symptom associated with various diseases. Therefore, managing or treating this condition involves several treatment options including counseling.
Treatment of tinnitus targets the underlying causes. There are many effective treatments for idiopathic tinnitus or for tinnitus that accompanies age-related hearing loss.
The followings are some strategies for handling and treating tinnitus:
Hearing Tests
By performing hearing tests, many factors that may be the cause of tinnitus can be identified and evaluated. A hearing aid may serve to dampen the noise that comes from tinnitus so that it can help a person to no longer focus on the noises.
Antibiotics are used in the treatment of tinnitus and usually as a drug in the first level of tinnitus attacks. The data show that the ear infection is one of many main causes of tinnitus.
Tinnitus Retraining Program
You can also try Tinnitus Retraining Program, a program that uses sound therapy and direct counseling to relieve tinnitus and creates habituation and acceptance.
Tinnitus Masker
Tinnitus masker treatment is another option where a person will be given a hearing aid that produces selective band noise, which voices are considered more pleasant than tinnitus.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a treatment of tinnitus used to divert negative attentions and thoughts to be positive. A team of licensed professionals will work together in managing stress and anxiety experienced by a person due to tinnitus.
NOTE: Consult with your doctor for more information about all tinnitus relief above.
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