My mother was lamenting to me recently that she'd never traveled anywhere and had always wanted to, and now she was growing too old to do much exploring. I tried to convince her that you're never too old to travel. I also tried to convince her that a trip may end up being a lot more work than it seems, and a lot less exotic. She didn't believe me on either count of course, and I probably wouldn't have either, once.
My friend is an extensive traveler and backs me up on this. There is more to a trip than romantic walks along the Seine or languid boat rides down a peaceful Venice canal, be it in Italy or Vegas. It's a nice feeling to reach "that place" on a trip that you'll always remember, the moment you relax and enjoy yourself, the reason you wanted to travel in the first place, whatever that may be.
I also think it's a good thing our minds seem to block out memories of the pain and tedium that GOT us to "that place."
I think it's worth noting a few things about travel you don't often find in guidebooks, for the novice traveler to discover or the experienced traveler to chuckle along with.