A Healthy Daily Meal Plan

by howcurecancer

Nothing here should be construed to be medical advice or even the advice of a nutritionist or dietician. All of the comments herein are from personal experience. The author is absolved from any responsibility regarding any results from those who carry out the suggestions related here. Each reader is responsible for their own actions.


My mom is fighting cancer for the second time.

You should know my mom won the fight with breast cancer eight years ago and now she is fighting thyroid cancer with great results.


So, this is from her experience.


It is very important to eat only good food for your immune system and for your metabolism.

A fresh fruit from your garden is a good food, instead of deep fried chicken from fast-foods - this is bad food.

My mom examples of daily meals planning will be posted here, this is only the beginning.


Healthy Foods
Editorial Safeliz S L
$43.09  $36.84
The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, Re...
Fair Winds Press
$23.49  $19.49
Downshiftology Healthy Meal Prep: 100...
Clarkson Potter
$17.84  $10.67

Healthy Meal Plan For One Day


The first daily meal planning:

- for breakfast, mix 1.6 cups of fresh strawberries with two teaspoons of raw honey and half cup of pistachios.

It is the perfect way to start your day!

 You should know, strawberries are recommended for blood vessels to functioning better and pistachios contain high level of minerals.


The best healthy breakfast is another recipe, click the link to another article with recipe ideas for breakfast for a happy start of your day.

- for lunch, fresh mushrooms with cheese on top put in the oven for 20 minutes and eat it with a fresh salad made wiht 4 tomatoes chopped and 1 onion chopped and 2 cucumbers chopped, add some olive oil and salt and pepper and a bit of lemon juice.


I will post new tasty healthy recipes for lunch in the next days, ready to prepare in less than 30 minutes based on a low budget and very much fun and creativity.


- for dinner, you can try my recipe of pasta with cheese: 2 egss mixed one cup of goat cheese and 4 cups boiled pasta put in the oven for 20 minutes. Serve with one glass of wine. The goat cheese is very rich in Calcium, is in the top 10 foods highest in Calcium.

A new idea for a easy to prepare dinner recipe you can find it here, a healthy dinner from my mom.

I will post new recipes easy to prepare for a healthy living.


I hope you enjoy my recipes and I am happy to see you around! You can drop me a comment if you want, I am happy to help you.


These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Testimonials should not be construed as representing results everybody can achieve.

Updated: 07/12/2011, howcurecancer
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sheilamarie on 08/02/2011

I'm sorry to hear your Mom is having to fight this battle again. You both have a great attitude towards the struggle, though. I like your ideas for healthy eating. I'll be praying for you both.

howcurecancer on 07/12/2011

I'm afraid I don't have a brand, I recommend to buy the goat cheese from your local market.

Sylvestermouse on 07/08/2011

Very interesting! I would not have thought of strawberries and honey myself and I have personally never tried goat cheese. Do you have a brand you would recommend?

howcurecancer on 07/06/2011

Thank you both for the great comments, very useful.

sandyspider on 07/05/2011

Good information about eating healthy. Especially if it will help with diseases like cancer.

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