The Ringing Cedars of Russia books by Vladimir Megre about Anastasia from the Siberian Taiga is an inspiring and uplifting set of books like no other. They have been read by millions of people world wide. The precepts contained in the books have resonated in the minds and hearts of humans world wide.

by Ralpapajan
Anastasia has been described in various magazines and books as a Recluse of the Taiga ~ the huge forest of Siberia. She is a lot more than that.
Finding Anastasia
How I came to read the Ringing Cedars of Russia Series
Studies in Spirituality
As a youngster born during WW2 I started life with the constant presence of men in khaki Uniforms and the constant absence of my father. Fear was the continual emotion that prevailed. Fear of death ~ of oneself and one's lived ones. Fear of bombers. Fear of the future. Fear of fires. Fear of gas attacks. Always and ever present FEAR so powerful that it must have outweighed the emotion of LOVE that was present always in my home and that emanated from my Mother and Grand-parents.
Obviously I was too young at that time to consciously register any such emotion but there is no doubt in my mind that it was taken in and became a part of my psyche.
So it was that I grew up, having moved with my family when I was 6 to the wilds of Africa.
We were all Church of England in those days. I attended Sunday School, went on Church outings and generally did what all kids were doing with their Spiritual life, Absorbing though not really understanding.
Then came my teens. I left school when I was 16 and started work. Church life was left in the background.
At 19 I was 'called up', or drafted, into the army to be trained to shoot, to kill and so on. I wasn't a good soldier. In fact, I was removed from the Infantry into the Pay Corps because I always marched in circles due to one short leg and other stupidities.
At around that time I started to question what the priests were telling me. It just didn't ring true. Their reply to most questions? "Have faith, young man, have faith."
So I looked at other Churches - many Christian Churches, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Druidism and Buddhism. I was given a Strong's Concordance and started looking at many verses in the King James Bible, listing the various different meanings. I still have that old Bible with the verses highlighted in yellow.
I started looking at Politics - asking the same question for everything ~ why?
It is amazing that when starts focusing on something avenues seem to open up to you, I received films from Israel, from the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force among others.
And I built a library on more than 1000 philosophical books including Rabbi Berg's Kabbala studies, L Ron Hubbard's Dianetics and The Light of the East.
The most important acquisition of this era was some photographs of two pages of the Zohar, the controversial book that was alleged to contain the mystical writings of the second-century rabbi Simeon bar Yochai written in Aramaic. Now I wasn't too certain why those pages were sent to me. They came with an advert to buy the entire book bound in leather and very pricey. I looked at the photos and recall getting a strange sensation, Then I put them on my desk, propped up almost at eye level against the wall and left them there. A few days later I was annoyed about something trivial to do with my business. I couldn't concentrate and looked at the photos, A strange thing happened. I calmed down and felt at peace. Why? I don't read Aramaic and I have no idea what the writing was about. Suffice to say that whenever I was annoyed or depressed I gazed at the photos.
As I married, raised a family and moved countries, my studies continued. Wiccan, Scientology and Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism were the principle areas I studied. Then I joined Sukyo Mahikari and much of what I had already looked at made sense,
I found that I could not answer the stupid question that was asked on many forms that seems designed to put you into a little box ~ "What religion are you?" There normally follows a list with Atheism included, though no definition of Atheism is given.The last category is often 'Other'. I put 'None' and on several occasions was told that it was unacceptable so started putting in 'Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism' if there was space and 'Druidism' if there wasn't.
In 2008 I went to Central America and spent three months living with Mayan and Garifuna people and studying their lives, in particular the Mayan Calendars.
It was when I returned to England that I first heard of Anastasia.
Meeting Anastasia
The Ringing Cedars of Russia
Have you ever had the feeling that you have forgotten who you really are? That you should know but it is just beyond your consciousness?
I did. Often. Sometimes I would get glimpses of things from the past. I would see abilities that I should possess but didn't. Whenever I tried to tell people about what I had 'seen' they were dismissive. So I gave up telling them.
I was sent a pirated DVD of "The Secret", watched it once and then threw it away and started finding out where I could get a legal copy, That search led me to Abraham-Hicks and I have watched many of their videos and studied their books.
Then sometime in June 2008 I received an email from a friend who wrote, "If you read any book this year, it must be this one!" He quoted from the Nexus Magazine in Australia. (The Link takes you straight through to Anastasia on Nexus.)
I was intrigued. He sent me the link for America ~ The Ringing Cedars of Russia.
So I sent for a copy of Book One. Now occurred a strange thing. Whilst I was waiting for it to arrive ~ there was a delay due to their being sold out ~ I started getting excited. I have no idea why, I just did.
At last the book came and I read it from cover to cover. Now here is another strange thing. Just reading it made me calm down exactly as happened when looking at the Zohar.
I couldn't wait to order the rest of the series. That was four and a half years ago. And I have lost count of the number of times I have read them and each time I see, feel and understand more.
I could now go on and explain what a Ringing Cedar is. Tell you something about Anastasia. Explain the benefits of Cedar Oil. Give you facts about the Dachas of Russia etc etc. But then I would be spoiling the journey for you. No matter what your Religion or Philosophy you will identify with what Anastasia says.
The nay-sayers will search for proof, without even reading the books or even Book 1, that this is a scam or an attempt by Megre to make a fortune or that Anastasia does not exist.
I don't really care - for as Anastasia herself states "You either believe in me or you don't."
So why not take a chance and have a look!
Some proof of the way Anastasia has affected life in Russia and elsewhere.
The Dachas of Russia
Anastasia has made an impact on Russian life today. Study the site listed here and you will see how the Garden of Eden can be here in the near future!
Extract : ~ So what’s behind this wonderful new revival of Russian peasant agriculture? Could it be as simple as one person — Anastasia — a 40-year-old woman from Siberia who befriended a traveling Russian entrepreneur? Based on material Anastasia gave him, that entrepreneur, Vladimir Megre, has published nine books which have become underground best-sellers in Russia.
Anastasia Sites
A few places to see all about Anastasia
The Ringing Cedars of Russia ~ North America
Where to buy the books.
The Ringing Cedars of Russia ~ United Kingdom
Where to get the books in UK
The Official Ringing Cedars Site (in English)
There are now sites all over the world for you to access near you.
Dr Leonid Sharaskin ~ the English language Editor.
This will tell you all about Dr Leo!
Leonid's Blog
This goes straight to an article about Russia.
The School of the Future or 'Kin's School' at Tekos
Founded by Mikhail Petrovich Shchetinin ~ this is an amazing place to visit even on Disk! The School was built and decorated by CHILDREN
A different point of view
Take a tour. It is well worth while,
A glimpse into the life of a child at The School
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After reading the above ~ what do you think? Oh and tell me ~ did you read any of the books yet?