Annoying Habits of HSSchulte
by HSSchulte
Rather than write the usual self-promoting biography, I decided to describe the annoying habits of HSSchulte. You may learn more about me this way than listening to me brag.
These are the things that my kids, friends and family find the most chronically annoying about me. Feel free to continue reading, but please don't hold it against me.
HSSchulte Takes Her Organic Gardening a Little Too Seriously
Since the day that she learned pesticides cause cancer, she has grown organic food. She's so pleased with her successful organic garden that she's constantly taking pictures of it and posting them on the internet. Her son once said that if he sees a picture posted by his mom on Facebook, he knows immediately it will be a picture of her kids, or her garden.
HS doesn't stop there, to ensure her organic soil stays "clean" she refuses to treat her lawn with any type of pesticide or herbacide. She's been known to toss a dirty look the neighbors direction when they dare to spray near the property line.
Lenses on Organic Food by HS Schulte
Her Yarn Clutters Up the House
HS loves to crochet and knit. Up until a few years ago she couldn't knit, as knitting needles don't work for her. When she found Knifty Knitter looms, she soon developed a knitting addiction. She knits scarves, hats, gloves, doilies, sachets, and is currently working on her 10th scarf. Her yarn and plastic looms are scattered all over the house each winter and are constantly in the way. She's been known to give away handmade Christmas gifts whether they were loved and cherished by the recipient... or not.
Knifty Knitter
Boye Round Knitting Loom Set, 7pc, 5.5", 7.5", 9.5", and 11.5" D Knit like a pro with our convenient and easy to use circular knitting loom set! An easy way to make all kinds of knit creations like hats, scarves, and socks, these round loom a... Simplicity Creative Corp. |
Boye Small Round Knitting Loom, Green Boye Small Round Loom Set. Knit without using knitting needles! This small loom is perfectly Sized for making hat slippers scarves bags and so much more. It is made of brightly ... Simplicity Creative Corp. Only $6.43 |
Authentic Knitting Board Loom Knitting with the All-n-One Loom Book includes a how-to loom knit section, and 12 fun projects. Projects for all skill levels: afghan, (2) scarves, (3) hats, socks, (2) bags, child top, (2) shawls and slippers. Authentic Knitting Board Only $16.51 |
All About Knifty Knitter Looms, by HSSchulte
She Saves Her Trash!
As if her home weren't already cluttered up enough with yarn and knitting looms, HS also saves her trash. Why? She has this crazy recycling and reuse habit. She's always saving trash to reuse in recycled crafts and the rest she stores for her weekly trip to the recycle center.
Several years ago she got this idea to reuse all her waste and since then she's been carefully guarding her trash can from frequent users. She was hoping to get out of paying the monthly trash bill to her local city, but they found that annoying.
Recycling and Reuse Lenses by HS Schulte
She Goes On and On About Her Kids
HS is the mom of 4 boys and she's always bragging about them. She goes on and on about how great they are and she has the audacity to believe she's smart enough to homeschool the youngest two herself. For the sake of her kids, we hope she knows what she's doing. Soon we will find out, but in the mean time she is sharing her lessons with others online. She also enjoys writing about parenting on her blog.
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Comments for HSSchulte? Leave them here.
I love it, you sound like my kind of gal, I too have a few of those very familiar habits, organic gardening and food tops the list. So glad to have found you here. Nice to meet you.
I'm a recycler also. I have to pay extra for my recycling bin. I've tried doing without it to save money, but the guilt was overwhelming. I can't stand to think of anything going into a land fill.
Clearly smart enough to do an annoyingly great job homeschooling those boys!
Oh that was SO annoying. Not! Nice change of pace!