I love spring and summer. There's nothing like warmer temperatures and spending time out in the yard, or working in the garden. I enjoy breathing in the fresh air, and watching the plants emerge.
But what I do not like about warmer temperatures are bugs, and especially not flies! While I enjoy having my windows open, it seems that flies slip in with the fresh air. Since I live in the country and raise livestock, it seems I have more flies than I did when living in the city.
Over the years, I've tried a number of disposable fly traps. I tended to buy the least expensive, and while each of them worked somewhat, they didn't have a lasting effect on the fly population.
Are flies are problem at your house? Do you have any recommendations for getting rid of flies? Have you tried any of these traps?
I purchase several of these each year. The results are great, but a bit on the nasty side!
I've tried everything, or so I thought. I never heard of the Trap n Toss, it looks like it works. Thanks.