Bubba is one of those nicknames we use here in the country to describe our buddies or siblings. Since most people here have two names - Robert Lynn, Glen Dale, James Robert, Roy Bob or John Carl - it's much easier to say "Bubba". After all, we don't want to waste words when there's more important things going on!
If you happen to look up "Bubba" in the dictionary, you'll find a number of definitions for the word. It is defined as:
- A relationship nickname for brother, especially the eldest male child in the family
- A term of endearment for those outside the family
- A person of low income and limited status
- A good ol' boy
- The big guy you'll meet if you happen to spend time in prison
I happen to have a good friend who goes by "Bubba". His real name is Lloyd Eugene, which is quite a mouthful! As long as I've known him, which is almost 30 years, he's gone by the name of Bubba. He's a good ol' boy, so he definitely fits the ticket!
Do you have any suggestions for music, entertainment or party favors for National Bubba Day?
liebe Sommerhitze und Schmetterlinge -;))
My mother is from the South and my father was from Oklahoma, so as you can guess, there are some Bubbas in my family. I love it.
I lived in the south for a lot of years. Everyone called everyone Bubba it seemed. Fun article.
What a fun article, and how nice to see you here!
Calf fries, also known as "Rocky mountain oysters" are such a delicacy that Bubba would be proud to have them served in his honor! In actuality, they are the bull testicles that are saved after the rancher castrates his bull. Just clean 'em up a bit, fry them up, and you'll enjoy a chewy dish along with your other party vittles!
You might want to explain what calf fries are. I never heard of filling cans with water before using them for target practive - I bet it's a great visual effect. I don't think I'd want to hold a party with lots of beer with Bubbas carrying weapons.
There's always a good reason to celebrate and I've never celebrated Bubba Day.