I love butterflies - all kinds, all colors, all sizes - I just love them! They are so gentle and light, never hurt or scare anyone, have tons of variety, are found all over the world, and are just plain fascinating! Anyone who quietly watches them are given a feeling of peace and soothingness.
Their special life cycle is nothing short of amazement, also. Have you ever watched one of these sweet creatures grow? We ordered a special kit one year for the children to watch little baby caterpillars grow with the special food the company sent us. After about a week they began making their little homes in a chrysalis. We watched them with eager anticipation until one by one they broke out a few days later. We grew very attached to them in a short time and were sad to release them soon after, but their memory stays with us years later.
Sciency stuff that is fun to know! ~ Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Arthropoda, Class: Insecta, Order: Lepidoptera. There are absolutely tons of smaller scientific classifications for butterflies. Depending on their size, shapes, colors, types of habitats, and other features, scientists group them together.
What is your favorite type of butterfly?
I spent time watching a tiger swallowtail in my garden, with camera in hand...and what a challenge to get a picture, he/she was very camera shy:-) I decided to just enjoy the moment.
I have lots of butterflies fluttering about in my garden. I wrote a Squidoo lens about butterflies, too, so I guess you could say I'm a fan!
Wonderful information on butterfly gardens. I visited a beautiful garden at Callaway Gardens in Georgia. Wonderful experience.
I had no idea that butterfly gardens were so popular. Makes sense with all the interest in green and eco friendly gardening and landscaping. Thanks! I'll choose future plants with butterflies in mind!
I love to visit the butterfly garden at our local zoo...lovely and serene place. I also love the information you have shared with us on your page.
There is nothing quite like a butterfly. I could watch them for hours! Thanks for a wonderful Wizzley!
There certainly is something very special about the humble butterfly. I've visited a few different butterfly farms around the world, but until now I hadn't thought about building my own.