College Dorm Accessories

by brittbear

Find great accessories for your dorm!


Posters are a great way to decorate your room and make it feel more comfortable and "homey". You can find inspirational ones, rock bands, pretty pictures, or anything else you want! Look online at sites like and other sites such as Amazon.

Bedside Buddies

If you are on the top bunk, then there's a good chance you won't be able to get up and down very easily. And no matter what bunk you are on, there's a good chance you will be doing some studying or reading in your bed as you fall asleep. You might want to get a bedside buddy so that you can put your reading materials, lights, mp3 player, lotion, or anything else you might want before you fall asleep or throughout the night!

Dorm Storage

There's not a lot of room in the dorms, so you want to conserve as much space as possible. Here are a few storage solutions that may help. Also check out Dorm Space Savers to find some other great storage items.

Want some ideas about decorating your dorm?

Check out this video about how to decorate your dorm!

Have you started shopping for your dorm yet?

Other Resources to Help You Prepare for College

College Dorms
Here's some more information about college dorms and what you might want to know.

College Junction
Find out anything and everything you might have wanted to know about college!

Dorm Space Savers
Find great dorm space savers here!

Extra Long Dorm Bedding
Don't forget that many dorms have extra long beds, thus requiring special bedding!

Things to Remember

There are many things that you don't want to forget to bring for your dorms.

1. Alarm Clocks- you will probably fall asleep late a lot of the time, and it won't be as easy to wake up as you remember it being! Make sure you have a good alarm clock that will not only wake you, but also get you out of bed! I have an alarm clock that vibrates and shakes my bed. I've also heard of an alarm clock that is like a plane. It starts flying around the room and won't go off until you catch it. That's sure to get you up and keep you up! Whether you choose alarm clocks like that or not, then make sure that you get somethng that will wake you.

2. Bedding- This isn't exactly an accessory... it's a necessity! Make sure you get the right kind of bedding. You might need some extra long bedding, as many dorms have extra long beds. If you can afford it, don't forget to get mattress pads!

3. Shower Stuff- If you have communal showers, don't forget a caddy to carry everything around in. Get shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, towells, all of that jazz.

4. Lighting- You may need a desk lamp, you may need a floor lamp, you may need a bedside light- you may need all three! See what lighting accomodations your dorm has, and then buy appropriately to your needs. If the lighting is poor, you might want to invest in a floor lamp. If you plan on doing a lot of reading in bed, a lamp that you can clip onto your bed or near it might be very useful.

Updated: 07/25/2011, brittbear
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