Coronavirus and Mental Illness

by Michael_Koger

The occurrence of coronavirus anywhere on the globe can be life threatening and quite devastating to patients, family members, and others with whom one interacts.

This is a medical condition which has come to the entire globe. Its presence was notable; however, the initial cases were beyond description as sufficient diagnosis and management left the team in a puzzle. Specialists knew there was something unusual—it led to death of thousands of people--but the complete description was not what the client had acquired (1, 2, 3, 4).

It is an infectious ailment of the respiratory system, and it has afflicted people young and old. Some of them recover, and many of them die regardless of their age. The item of respiratory transmission to those who acquire it via the lungs leads doctors everywhere to recommend face mask as its use has controlled this disease to some extent. Unfortunately, some clients over the last year have attended crowded social events, and this does not enable others to prevent spread of the infirmity (1, 2, 3, 4).

Methods of Prevention

     Obviously, this pandemic has afflicted and taken the lives of millions.  It stems from a virus which physicians today have not encountered (3, 4).  The practices of hand washing as well as social distancing are also useful tools.  Consequently, scholarly literature worldwide has described these concerns in order to rectify the situation.  The same has been true for other ailments, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is an excellent example (1, 2, 3, 4). 

     Moreover, the matter of crowding in parties and other places further worsens the situation.  This includes churches, song practices, fitness sessions, and nightclubs.  Whether in the United States or elsewhere, these issues have dramatically risen.  Government intervention, clinical observation, and education from public health departments will also assess the crisis (1, 2, 3, 4). 

     Despite these observations, there may be evidence that people who go outside may be in a less worrisome place than others.  The reason is that droplets from coughing, sneezing, and other interactions may be less contagious than other approaches.  Ways that can result in infection include doorknobs, faucets, and telephones.  The presence of influenza is another serious concern which may occur simultaneously with other behaviors (1, 2, 3, 4).

Mental Illness and Coronavirus

     The effects from this disease bring serious issues, and the matter of mental health becomes a major concern for patients.  There is lack of food, employment, adequate housing, and other important things which counselors, clinicians, childrearing, and other things which they have not expected.  These observations in combination with inadequate medical care can direct the situation.  For example, the presence of schizophrenia and other forms of psychological problems lead to challenges for patients and nurses in clients whose insight and judgment have compromised (1, 2, 3).

     Obviously, there may be complications with management of these cases.  Suicide risk may be high in clients whenever there is coronavirus present with mental illness.  The nature of a pandemic occurs in patients where there is worldwide infirmity, and little time has been available to adequately deal with it.  It is the nature of all these matters which leads to quarantine, travel bans, testing, mask utilization, and other items which disrupt daily life even though they are essential  (1, 2, 3).

     Furthermore, the overload that has taken place in critical care units, whether in the United States or elsewhere, has left hospital workers with unusual staff arrangements and nurses who shed tears.  Posttraumatic stress disorder becomes present as one of many psychological ailments.  Moreover, clients suffer from misconceptions, and there are nightmares, hyperarousal, and detachment from the community.


     It is evident from newspapers, radio, television staff, and other information from the mass media that the world continues to suffer from this pandemic.  At the same time, scientists and hospital workers have been working on it for more than a year.  Though no one can really predict where these situations will go, many people still believe—as it has been over the centuries in history—that this will resolve and return to normal ways of life.


  1. Goff, D.  (2020).  The pharmacologic treatment of schizophrenia—2021.  Journal of the American Medical Association.
  2. Moutier, C.  (2020).  Suicide prevention in the COVID-19 Era.  Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry.
  3. Amsalem, D., Dixon, L., and Neria, Y.  (2021).  The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak and mental health.  Journal of the American Medical Association, 78, 9-10.
  4. World Health Organization.  (2021).  Advice for the public.
  5. Copyright 2021.  All rights reserved.  Michael Koger, Sr., M.D.


     The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only, and one should not use it for diagnosis or treatment without the opinion of a health professional. Any reader who is concerned about his or her health should contact their physician for advice.

Updated: 02/14/2021, Michael_Koger
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Michael_Koger on 02/17/2021

One of the unexpected types--and other issues...

Michael_Koger on 02/17/2021


DerdriuMarriner on 02/16/2021

Michael_Koger, Thank you for the practical information.
Do we know what it is about the virus that made it spread so fast into so many places despite precautions being in effect since around March 2020?

frankbeswick on 02/15/2021

Crisis resolution needs contributions from the full range of experts, not just medics.

Michael_Koger on 02/15/2021

This is so true. Thank you for the response.

blackspanielgallery on 02/15/2021

Mental illness can easily be impacted by response to the virus that causes isolation, and need to be considered. Dispair from economic impact aso need be looked at. Will this generation, for example, fail to obtain peer interaction skills while attending virtual classes? And once the virus abates will there be excessive celebrations leading to alcoholism, or will alcoholism increase from isolation? The positive is smokers might be forced to quit their habit due to required mask wearing and difficulty getting to a store.

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