Cream of Broccoli Soup

by Mira

This low-fat creamy soup is a healthy and easy recipe which you can make quickly with fresh or frozen ingredients. It's very tasty! A great way to enjoy broccoli.

Creamy soups are one great way to get more vegetables into your diet. You can purée several vegetables together, and get to eat some vegetables which maybe you wouldn’t have touched otherwise, since parsnip and celeriac seldom take center stage. There's celeriac soup, of course, but I mostly use these two root vegetables as a base in various vegetable and meat dishes. I'm also thinking of including them in smoothies.

Both of them come with great health benefits: fiber, vitamins C, B6 and other B-complex vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, iron and other minerals (celery root), fiber, vitamins C and folate, manganese, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and other minerals (parsnip). Come to think of it, some people aren’t too fond of broccoli either, even if they know this vegetable is really good for them. This creamy soup is an easy and sure-fire way to get to appreciate broccoli.

You can make this soup with fresh broccoli or broccoli out of the freezer. You can also freeze chopped celeriac and parsnip root to have for future soups. Carrots, celery root, parsnip (or one variety of parsley, which has a root very similar to parsnip), and onion are considered soup-base vegetables in Romania. All of them are great ways to add flavor to soups, for one. If you use them (and garlic), you won’t need those vegetable-mix powders in your soups – or in any other vegetable and meat dishes, for that matter. There are more such vegetables, used as a base in soups over here: turnips, for instance, bell peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, but the four above are the most common and supermarkets have sized up the opportunity and made little fast-soup packets in the grocery sections out of these four veggies.

Ingredients and Instructions

Ingredients and Instructions

Prep time 45 min  -  Total time 60 min
Ingredients for 6 servings
700 grams / 25 oz broccoli  • 350 grams / 12 oz celeriac (celery root)  • 3 small parsnips  • 8 small cloves of garlic  • 1 large leek  • 1 liter / 34 fl oz milk  • 6 tablespoons olive oil  • 3 flat teaspoons low-sodium salt  • 1 flat teaspoon white pepper  • juice of 1 lemon  • 6 heaping tablespoons / ~225 grams / 8 oz sour cream (15%) or Greek yogurt

1. Set 1.5 liters of water (51 fl oz) to boil.
2. Peel the cloves of garlic and chop them, then let the garlic sit for 10 minutes in order to enjoy its health benefits (it takes a few minutes for the allicin to form after you chop or crush the garlic). Garlic contributes to the taste of this dish as well in an important way, so don’t spare on it.
3. Cut off the broccoli stalk and cut at the base of the florets to split them from the head. Wash the individual florets. Slice them further into smaller bits.
4. Wash and chop the celery root and the parsnip root.
5. Add the broccoli, celery root and parsnip root to the boiling water and boil for 15 minutes.
6. Cut off the leaves of the leek, leaving only the tender, white part. Wash and dice the leek.
7. Sauté, for 1 minute only, the diced leek and the garlic with 6 tablespoons of olive oil, 3 flat teaspoons of low-sodium salt and 1 flat teaspoon of white pepper.
8. Purée the broccoli, celeriac, parsnip root, leek, and garlic in a blender, making sure you add enough water with the ladle each time for the blender to work easily.
9. Bring the purée back to the pot where you boiled the vegetables.
10. Add the juice of 1 lemon and leave the cream of broccoli 10 minutes to cool off.
11. Add 1 liter / 34 fl oz of milk.
12. Serve with 1 heaping tablespoon of sour cream or Greek yogurt, and with croutons. I made mine with Jamie Oliver Italian Herb Pesto, which is delicious.

Recipe  5.0/5 Stars (12 Votes)

Step-by-Step Pictures for this Cream of Broccoli Soup Recipe

© Mira at Wizzley
Chop the Garlic; Let It Sit
Chop the Garlic; Let It Sit
© Mira at Wizzley
Divide and Slice the Broccoli Florets
Divide and Slice the Broccoli Florets
© Mira at Wizzley
Chop the Celeriac
Chop the Celeriac
© Mira at Wizzley
Chop the Parsnip Root
Chop the Parsnip Root
© Mira at Wizzley
Boil Them for 15 Minutes
Boil Them for 15 Minutes
Dice the Leek
Dice the Leek
© Mira at Wizzley
Sauté the Leek and Garlic
Sauté the Leek and Garlic
© Mira at Wizzley
Purée the Vegetables in a Blender
Purée the Vegetables in a Blender
© Mira at Wizzley
Add the Juice of 1 Lemon
Add the Juice of 1 Lemon
Better use a glass juicer
Wait 10 Mins, Then Add Milk
Wait 10 Mins, Then Add Milk
© Mira at Wizzley

So Why Exactly is Broccoli Good for Me?

Broccoli comes packed with vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. Including broccoli in your diet has many health benefits.

Broccoli Is One of the Best Sources of Vitamin C

A cup of cooked broccoli contains 182mg of vitamin C (303% DV). Broccoli is actually one of the top ten vegetables and fruits highest in this nutrient.

Vitamin C is one of the antioxidants that prevent and repair damage to our cells, protecting our bodies against the harmful action of free radicals, associated with cancer, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.

Besides strengthening your immune system, Vitamin C is needed in the synthesis of collagen, which means it helps maintain healthy skin, bones, muscles, tendon, ligaments, cartilage, teeth, gums, and vascular tissues in general. It follows that vitamin C also helps in wound healing. Vitamin C is also important because it aids in the absorption of iron. It also promotes eye health and inhibits histamine, thus relieving allergies.

Broccoli is Also a Good Source of Beta-Carotene

Beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A by our bodies. Vitamin A promotes healthy bone and teeth growth, so it’s important that you include foods rich in vitamin A in the diet of your children. This vitamin is also needed for good vision. It enables you to see better in the dark, and fights development of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Vitamin A also promotes healthy skin and epithelial cells, inside and outside your body. If you have dry skin and eyes, you may need to increase your intake of vitamin A. Vitamin A also has a role in the healthy functioning of the adrenal and thyroid glands. It is also important in ensuring fertility and the growth of a healthy embryo. As an antioxidant, this nutrient of course bolsters your immune system, protecting against infectious diseases and other illnesses.

If you’re a vegan and don’t eat milk and eggs, liver or fish oils (all sources of preformed vitamin A), then make sure you have enough provitamin A carotenoids (nutrients converted into vitamin A inside the body) by eating vegetables such as spinach, carrots, and broccoli.

Broccoli Is Also a Good Source of B-Complex Vitamins

A cup of cooked broccoli gives you 76% DV of folate (B9), 28% DV of vitamin B6, 20% of riboflavin (B2), 17% DV of pantothenic acid (B5), 12% DV of thiamin (B1), and 8% DV of niacin (B3).

Various B-complex vitamins are good for the nervous system, heart, muscle, the immune system, and promote healthy growth and development. Folate reduces the risk of birth defects of the brain and spinal cord if taken before pregnancy.

A study following 88,000 women over 14 years, from 1980 to 1994, showed that women aged 55 to 69 who took multivitamins supplementing their intake of folic acid (among other vitamins and minerals) for more than 15 years had a much lower risk of developing colon cancer. Another study followed 14,000 men over 20 years, and provided a correlation between their abstention from alcohol and sufficient intake of folic acid and the lower incidence of colon cancer. Apparently, however, it is not clear whether these correlations are significant, i.e. whether a lower risk of cancer is directly linked to a higher intake of folate (the B9 vitamin occuring naturally in foods) or folic acid (the synthetic form found in supplements and fortified foods). For references on these studies and more info on folate, see this page by the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements.

Vitamin B6, on the other hand, has been shown to prevent colorectal cancer in men, according to a 2009 Harvard study on 14,916 men. See the abstract on this page. Among other conditions it may prevent or alleviate, B6 may prevent cataracts and may also help with memory loss, including the kind associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Riboflavin, thiamin, folic acid and vitamin B12 may also reduce the risk of cervical cancer.

More about Broccoli and Cancer

Did you know that broccoli protects against breast cancer? Like all vegetables, besides the vitamins and minerals, broccoli contains a series of phytonutrients. Researchers at UC Santa Barbara have pinpointed to the compounds isothiocyanates as the breast-cancer-fighting agents in broccoli. According to their 2008 study, all cruciferous vegetables protect against breast cancer, but broccoli has the highest amounts of isothiocyanates. One isothiocyanate, isosulforaphane (or SFN), was proven to inhibit not only the proliferation of animal mammary tumors, but of human breast cancer cells as well. The mechanism is similar, if not as potent, to that of anticancer drugs. SFN also prevents breast cancer by killing precancerous cells.

Other Health Benefits of Broccoli

Besides B-complex vitamins, a cup of cooked broccoli also contains 494% DV of vitamin K, and a whole range of minerals: manganese (27%), potassium (23%), phosphorus (19%), magnesium (15%), calcium (11%), iron (10%), copper (9%), zinc (8%), selenium (6%), and sodium (5%). Of course, nutrient amounts vary from produce to produce.

Broccoli, is of course, also a good source of fiber, providing 37% DV per cup.

Some of My Other Easy, Healthy Recipes

It’s late afternoon, and you’re expecting a couple of friends over for a few minutes before you all head out to have dinner together. What can you serve them?
This creamy soup can be made in no time, and with frozen ingredients at that. Still, I recommend using fresh carrots, celery root, and dill. You’ll get a tasty and healthy soup.
This is a super easy and fail-proof way to bake fish, and the result, paired with the garlic sauce I give in this recipe, is absolutely incredible. A sure-fire way to relish fish.

Remember Exercise is Also Very Important

So you've started eating healthy! Good for you! Now it's time to also start working out at least 20-30 minutes a day, and take 30-minute daily walks as well. If you need a nudge to start working out, get one of several Pilates DVDs and a Pilates book, watch the DVDs and read the book at your own leisure, and you'll soon find yourself inspired enough to start working your exercise into your daily routine.

You'll find it will change your eating habits as well as the Pilates workout will kick-start your metabolism in the morning, and you'll feel the need for different foods and different quantities of food, which you will digest differently. Also, you will feel more energized and in general great shape.

Pilates is truly wonderful.

A Pilates Book by Brooke Siler, Who Trained with a Protégé of Joseph Pilates
The Pilates Body: The Ultimate At-Home Guide to Strengthe...
$9.22  $8.25
Mari Winsor Beginner's Pilates [Beginner and Intermediate Levels, in Fact]
Mari Winsor Beginner's Pilates
Walk On: 15-Minute Fast Fat Blasts
Walk On: 15-Minute Fast Fat Blasts
Updated: 11/09/2016, Mira
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Mira on 11/09/2016

Thank you both! Broccoli is not a traditional food here but it's so easy to prepare. I often use frozen broccoli and bake it in the oven. It can then be a side to eggs, salmon . . . I love it! Veronica: I love writing about the health benefits of various foods :)

Veronica on 11/07/2016

TY for including the broccoli and cancer paragraphs. This lifts a great artic about a lovely soup to an even greater interest level. Excellent. TY

DerdriuMarriner on 11/07/2016

Mira, Very nice! Fortunately, I enjoy eating broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower so this recipe is welcome. Have you tried celeriac and parsnip in smoothies yet?

Mira on 02/18/2014

Thank you, Violette! It's really a tasty broccoli recipe, and very easy to make!

VioletteRose on 02/18/2014

Great recipe, I usually use broccoli in stir fries. I would love to try this one, you have explained it really well with all the pictures!

Mira on 02/16/2014

:) Thanks, Emma! Same to you!
About calling manufacturers: I believe in that, too. Companies can be quite helpful to customers looking for replacements or parts/service, etc. These days the cooler underneath my laptop broke and the seller is sending their courier service to my door to pick it up. That's quite nice.

Mira on 02/16/2014

Hi ologsinquito, I love to use veggies. Celeriac and parsnip make soups and stews taste really good!

ologsinquito on 02/16/2014

I really liked this article because it has a lot of good tips on staying healthy. Making your own vegetable base is much better than using a packaged base.

Mira on 02/06/2014

That's quite surprising, that you can't find your model. I still need so much in my kitchen but have no extra space to store stuff (and no money to buy extra cookware right now). Love houses with large kitchens, especially the kind separated from the living room by what I learned is called a pony wall. Loved those for ages!

Mira on 02/06/2014

Thanks, Emma, for your visit and comment. My blender is dying on me and I haven't had time to have it replaced, so I miss these soups right now.

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