Don't Call it Failure, Call it Practice - a Self-Help Guide to Success

by DianaGrant

Just because you don't achieve success at the first attempt, it doesn't mean you have failed - success is often a staged process, and the little steps soon add up.

Learn the secret of success - my secret, that is, because you may also read about other ways to success.

Here are 5 steps to success which will stand you in good stead whatever your idea of success is, and whatever field you choose.

For most people, success is 90 per cent hard work and being in the right place at the right time, and maybe less than ten per cent luck.

Our vision is skewed by seeing a few people rising to the top with meteoric success without appearing to have done much work. But, believe me, what you see is just the tip of the iceberg, and conceals a great deal of repetitive endeavours and some disappointments. The art of a skilled person, whether singing, playing football, building a skyscraper or writing a book, is to make it look easy.

If you were to try what they have done, you would realize it is not that simple, and requires dedicated practice and studying to achieve that level of success.

Success is Built on Failure

Because Failure Isn't Really Failure - it's the Practice Run That Leads to Success

Just Keep Trying

Don't give up too easily
Don't Call it Failure
Don't Call it Failure

A Turbo Butterfly Reaching for the Sky - my Fantasy Design on Zazzle to remind you to aim high and don't give up

You can get this design on various mugs and T-shirts, here's a selection:

Some Self-Help Videos on YouTube

Help yourself to a better life

Success is a Learned Skill

These books from Amazon can help you along the journey
The Success Principles(TM): How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

Jack Canfield, cocreator of the phenomenal bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, turns to the principles he's studied, taught, and lived for more than 30 years in ...

William Morrow Paperbacks  / $13.19  $8.96

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Success Is Not an Accident: Change Your Choices; Change Your Life

Tommy Newberry's best-selling Success Is Not an Accident (self-published in 1999) has helped over 100,000 readers achieve higher levels of success in both their personal and ...

Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.  / $15.28  $1.78

View on Amazon

Success (Second Edition)

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition ...

Public Domain Books  / Only $0.00

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The Real Truth about Success: What the Top 1% Do Differently, Why They Won't Tell You, and How ...

"Everyone is looking for the real in whatever they endeavor. Garrison Wynn went out looking for real answers to real success challenges--and he found them. If you want them, ...

McGraw-Hill  / $29.59  $7.95

View on Amazon

5 Steps to Success:

You Need to do Your Homework If You Want to Succeed

Here's a list of 5 ways to help you achieve your goals

  1. Be prepared to work hard - very few people are successful unless they put in the hours.
  2. Don't procrastinate - if something needs to be done today, don't put it off till tomorrow.
  3. Think about what you actually want to achieve - be as specific as you can. For instance, don't just say "I want to be famous", work out exactly what it is that will make you famous and what steps you will need to elevate you to that position, including the time-scale required.  As an example, if you want to be a top musician, what training or qualifications will you need?  Are you willing to spend the time and money to get this training? Who will you need to approach for more information or training? How long will it take? Are there any other matters which need to be resolved?
  4. Once you have decided on your goal or goals, make a detailed list of all the steps needed to reach that goal, including the qualifications you will need, the number of hours you will need to practise every day, the research required to find out more about things you need to do, the various organizations you will need to approach, the people whose help you might need,  the phone numbers and contacts you will need ro obtain, the books you will need to study, the money you will need to raise, and any other arrangements you will need to make, including appropriate clothing, transport and accommodation if necessary.
  5. Prioritise the items on your list, so that you do them in the right order. There are four main categories of prioritisation:
  • Important and Urgent
  • Important but not Urgent
  • Urgent but not Important
  • Not urgent or important, but still necessary in due course.
  1. Mark all the Items in category 1 with an "A" , and make sure you do these first.
  2. Mark all the items in categories 2 and 3 with "B" and do these next.
  3. Mark all the items in category 4 with "C" and fit them in as and when you can.
  4. Review the list frequently, because things which were non-urgent initially could become urgent if you leave them too long, and the priority of other items, or newer items might change the sequence.
  5. Cross things off as you finish them, and add any new items to the appropriate category.

This system works very well and, provided you don't procrastinate too much, it will make you very efficient in achieving short-term goals, which is a step along the way to achieving your long-term goals.


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Take each item away, one at a time, until you find the one that is really important to you personally

"Pick Yourself up, Brush Yourself Down, and Start All Over Again"

The words of an old song - and very sensible too!
Learning to Walk
John Bull, Babies First Steps Learning To Walk Magazine, UK, 1958

Here is an Example of a Very Successful Man -

Ataturk, Known as Father of Modern Turkey Because he was a Great Reformer

Ataturk - Father of Modern Turkey
Ataturk was a very bright, humane man, whose reforms in Turkey brought education to the masses, and he made many other changes, starting in 1929, which lifted Turkey up to the level of a modern European country. You may only have heard of him vaguely, or not at all, and you will be astounded by the breadth of his influence for the power of good

You can follow up the subject of Success on my linked article on Diana's Blog - Glorious Confusion

I have made a list of sayings and proverbs related to success

Don't Call it Failure - Call it Practising for Success
You might enjoy this - see how many you recognize. This article would be particularly useful to students learning English as a second language

Updated: 10/22/2014, DianaGrant
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Victoira Virgo on 07/13/2014

Great article. I agree that you have to be willing to do the hard work if you are hoping for success. This can be to do with business or with your own personal life. Put the effort in and the rewards will be so much sweeter. Even sweeter after a series of failures and setbacks. You just have to dust yourself off and start all over again until you hit Jackpot! :)

DianaGrant on 07/13/2014

Thank you Tolovaj, Telesto, Mira, Tiggered, katiem2, Angel and ohcaroline for all your comments. I must be a bit slow, because I've only just seen them - didn't have "notify me of new posts" switched on. Never mind, my success can only grow from now on, as I have a few plans up my sleeve.

Tolovaj on 07/12/2014

I was writing for series of magazines for almost a decade and wrote about two, maybe three hundred articles about celebrities from entertainment, sport, finance and other areas. Almost everybody, being a wunderkind or not, was practicing ten years before the real deal happened. This really means a lot of practice. Just my two cents:)

Telesto on 07/09/2014

Good article, thank you Diana.

Mira on 03/23/2013

I like what you said, and I also like what Katie commented, that "peace of mind and freedom from worry is a good indicator you're successful."

Tiggered on 05/25/2012

You know, I don't mind failing from time to time. I think the trick is to acknowledge that failure happens and we can bounce back again.

katiem2 on 05/18/2012

I certainly feel peace of mind and freedom from worry is a good indicator you're successful. That is my driving force. Thank you for the delightful encouragement, it is always needed and I appreciate it. This has me thinking of Finding Nemo, I often repeat this phrase as a mantra during difficult and trying moments, "keep swimming, just keep swimming"

Angel on 02/14/2012

Very good thoughts. I am harder on myself than I should be sometimes but I feel like I need to be so that I will continue to work hard toward my goals. I feel like success is peace of mind and living worry free.

ohcaroline on 02/14/2012

Truer words were never spoken. Nice to hear them again. We all need to re-focus at times.

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