After a long, cold and snowy Winter, there are few sights I look forward to more than the first Spring flowers peeking up out of the ground. Their bright green shoots and colorful blooms are a joyous announcement of the approach of Springtime. Ever since I was a child I was excited by the first colors of the season, and today I've been working on adding to and creating more of a Springtime garden at my own house.
On this page I'll talk about some of my favorite of these early Spring flowers: the snowdrop, the crocus, the hyacinth and the grape hyacinth. I'll share information on how to plant and care for them in your garden, and also share beautiful art and photography featuring these incredible blooms you can enjoy.
I love all of these spring flowers but I have to say I haven't seen grape hyacinths around these parts.
I live in an apartment, so I don't garden, but my sister has every one of these spring flowers. They are just beautiful.