Early Spring Flowers

by sockii

After a long cold winter there's just something special about the first blooming flowers that greet us in the springtime.

After a long, cold and snowy Winter, there are few sights I look forward to more than the first Spring flowers peeking up out of the ground. Their bright green shoots and colorful blooms are a joyous announcement of the approach of Springtime. Ever since I was a child I was excited by the first colors of the season, and today I've been working on adding to and creating more of a Springtime garden at my own house.

On this page I'll talk about some of my favorite of these early Spring flowers: the snowdrop, the crocus, the hyacinth and the grape hyacinth. I'll share information on how to plant and care for them in your garden, and also share beautiful art and photography featuring these incredible blooms you can enjoy.

Grape hyacinths in bloom - one of my favorite early Spring flowers. Photo by sockii.

Snowdrops (Galanthus)

One of the earliest flowers for your garden!

The Snowdrop, or Galanthus, is a small genus of about 20 bulbous herbaceous plants, the most common being the Galanthus nivalis. Most Snowdrops technically bloom in Winter, before the vernal equinox, however its small white blooms are taken as a sign of the approaching Springtime. The Snowdrop is native to Europe but has been introduced and naturalized widely around the world.

The Snowdrop is a perennial bulb, producing a tiny, delicate white flower. It can propagate well leading to beautiful "carpets" of Snowdrop flowers in gardens and in the wild. Growing Snowdrops is relatively easy and a wonderful addition to almost any flower garden or landscape.


Galanthus (Wikipedia)

Galanthus nivalis (Royal Botanic Gardens)

Snowdrop with melting frost

The Beauty of the Snowdrop

Delicate white bells embracing the sun and breeze

Get Snowdrop bulbs - and books - at Amazon

Add some snowdrops to your garden and learn more about them

Everything you need to know about the cultivation and propagation of snowdrops: tips, tools, and sources of supply Snowdrops: the harbinger of spring, delicate and charismatic. ...

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The Plant Lover's Guide to Snowdrops

Snowdrops (whose Latin name is Galanthus) have a delicate, quiet beauty. Their white bell-shaped petals are striking alone and in a swath, and they are a harbinger of spring. Th...

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Galanthus Nivalis Bulbs 15/pack

This is the universally known species that naturalizes very easily, especially in moist soil that supplies sufficient nutrients (climatic zones 4 - 7). Either a sunny location o...

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Galanthus nivalis seeds 150PCS Common Snowdrop Flower seeds Beautiful garden Freezing plants Bons...

Fresh Galanthus nivalis seeds 200PCS

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Crocus (I)
Crocus chiusi per.. sciopero ad oltranza

The Crocus

Another flower that welcomes in the beginning of Spring

The crocus is one of the most popular early Spring flowers around the world. It is a genus of flowering plants from the iris family, consisting of 90 different perennial species. Crocus plants can bloom in Autumn, Winter and Spring however they are most associated with late Winter and early Spring, often one of the first blooming flowers that appear in our gardens.

The crocus is a hardy plant that is easy for even beginning gardeners to grow, one that can propagate and spread when naturalized into a grassy area. They come in a variety of different colors from white and yellow to deep, dark purple.

Learn more:

Crocus (Wikipedia)

Crocuses: How to Plant, Grow and Care for Crocus Flowers

Crocus Flowers in Bloom

Relax and enjoy...in the Polish city of Szczecin as the crocus comes into bloom.

Crocus Bulbs on Amazon

Get them in an assortment of colors and sizes
Blue Moon Mix Crocus 20 Bulbs - Blues and Purples - 8/9cm Bulbs

A sure sign of warmer weather to come, crocus are one of the first flowers to bloom each spring. Enjoy this "Blue Moon Mixture" - made up of 3 different colors - "Remembrance", ...

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Autumn Crocus-- Spring Blooming Yellow Mammoth! 15 Fresh Bulbs, Plant in the Fall!!

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12 White Crocus - Peter Pan - Top Size Bulbs

Crocus are delightful plants that come to life in the spring when the weather begins to change - even when there is snow still on the ground!

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Tommies, Crocus Bulb (1 Pack) Pinkish Purple, Pinkish Purple Perennial Crocus Tommies Bulbs, Beau...

Pinkish purple Tommies bring an elfin charm to the garden in late winter or early spring. A delightful early crocus and one of the easiest to grow. Flowers prolifically in most ...

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'Tri-Color' Snow Crocus 20 Bulbs - Very Hardy! - 5/+ cm Bulbs

CROCUS: Crocus plants are relatively small, reaching just 3-6 inches in height (depending on the variety). The leaves are grass-like, generally with a light stripe running up th...

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Did you know...?

The much-coveted and extremely expensive spice saffron comes from the Crocus sativus flower. It is prized for the beautiful golden color it imparts on food and its unique, delicate flavor which cannot be replicated by any other spice - not even close! You can't make a classic Paella without the saffron.

Purple Hyacinths
White Hyacinths

The Hyacinth

Fragrant spikes of color for your garden

As a child, the Hyacinth was perhaps the flower I loved the most in my mother's garden. I loved their large spikes of colorful blooms with their wonderful fragrance that would fill the air, even just as you walked by them. When I bought my own home, the hyacinth was one of the first flowers I bought for my own garden as well.

The Hyacinth is often associated with the idea of "rebirth", which of course makes them so perfect for an early Spring garden when new life is coming out of the dormancy of Winter. Growing Hyacinths is relatively simple although they do need good drainage and a sunny spot in your garden. They will return to bloom year after year, although the flower spikes may become smaller and thinner as they age.

Hyacinths make wonderful cut flowers, as cutting the flowering stem when in bloom will not interfere with the plant returning and blooming the following year. That way you can bring the wonderful fragrance of the Hyacinth into your home, or make for a perfect table decoration for an early Spring celebration.

Learn more:

Hyacinth plant (Wikipedia)

Hyacinth Bulbs on Amazon

Purchase now for next year's garden
HYACINTH - 6 Mixture Hyacinth Bulbs 14/16 cm - FALL PLANTING & SPRING BLOOMS

Beautiful and fragrant flowers for borders, bowls and containers. Combine well with early flowering tulip types. Our Hyacinths include the strongest varieties in every color ava...

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Hyacinth bulbs, (mix color )

Beautiful fragrant flowers for borders, pots and bowls. Our assortment Hyacinth bulbs includes the strongest varieties in every available color. We supply large flower bulbs whi...

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5 ROYAL PURPLE - Peter Stuyvesant Hyacinth Bulbs

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The Mythology and History of the Hyacinth

Learn more fascinating facts about this beautiful flower with Neil Finn

The Grape Hyacinth (Muscari)

Tiny spikes of color in Early Spring

These petite perennials are a common sight in gardens and lawns in early Spring. Typically blue in color, their little urn-shaped flowers look like small bunches of grapes and their appearance is somewhat like a miniature version of the common Hyacinth. The Grape Hyacinth is another easy to grow bulb, however one should be careful about how rapidly they will spread! They can take over a garden area if left to it, but they are perfect for edges or areas that you would like to naturalize with a spreading carpet of tiny flowers.

Learn more:

Muscari (Wikipedia)

Grape Hyacinth - Better Home and Gardens

Grape Hyacinth spear
April (snow) showers

Tips on Planting and Caring for Grape Hyacinth Plants

An informative video on care and planning your garden

Grape Hyacinth Bulbs on Amazon

Buy grape hyacinths for your garden in a variety of colors!
50 Muscari Delft Blue Moon Mixture - Grape Hyacinth

A wonderful mixture of blue and light blue Muscari! Full Sun, Partial Shade 6"-8" Tall Blooms mid spring Zone 3-9 These easy to grow no-care bulbs are a must have in every garde...

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Blue Grape Hyacinth 25 Bulbs - Muscari armeniacum - 8/9 cm Bulbs

Clusters of chubby, little, deep cobalt-blue bells grow on sturdy stems. Hardy and carefree, these fragrant charmers easily spread into thick masses. Plant them anywhere-in sun ...

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White Grape Hyacinth 15 Bulbs - Muscari Album

Like lingering patches of snow in the spring garden, white grape hyacinths mediate the sometimes conflicting reds, hot pinks, yellows, oranges, purples, golds and blues of the b...

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Which Is Your Favorite of These Four Flowers?

Which early spring bloom is your favorite?
Updated: 01/31/2017, sockii
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Mira on 07/21/2015

I love all of these spring flowers but I have to say I haven't seen grape hyacinths around these parts.

AngelaJohnson on 07/20/2015

I live in an apartment, so I don't garden, but my sister has every one of these spring flowers. They are just beautiful.

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