Five Things I Love About Getting Older
by catgypsy
We all dread getting older, but there can be some good things about it too. I've found 5 so far!
Getting older? Don't worry!
My best friend and I were talking, or I probably should say griping, about getting older the other day. We're both in our late fifties and are having the usual aches and pains that just seem to come with age. We were wondering about all the creams out there now that are suppose to take ten years off your life. She mentioned she just can't do quite as much as she used to without getting tired, and I totally agreed with her. We had a good rant about the whole subject!
Later that night, I started thinking about it again. Sure, I wish I had fewer wrinkles and wasn't so achy, but then I realized there are a lot of things I have come to appreciate about my age. Aging has some nice benefits if we just look for them. Here are 5 that I've found. I would love to hear from others what they appreciate about getting older!
1. You don't like me? I don't care!
I've spent most of my life, I realized, wanting others to like me. I think we all want that, deep down, even if we don't admit it. Well, guess what? I just don't care anymore if you like me or not. I am a nice person and will always start with being friendly and kind. I will put my best foot forward and if you like me, great. If you don't, who cares? I have finally found the freedom of not caring when there is nothing I can do about it. I can finally shrug my shoulders and say, "it's there loss, not mine" for those that just don't like me for whatever reasons they have. It's quite liberating!
2. You can finally see me as I am...without makeup!
When I was younger, I would have put a paper bag over my head before I let anyone see me without makeup. I wasn't really that vain, I just thought I looked horrible without it. To be fair, I am very pale and have very light eyebrows and eye lashes, so not having any makeup on leaves me pretty washed out looking. Now I don't put makeup on unless I'm going out or having a party. If I'm staying home, I don't bother. I have even gone out without makeup on ocassion. This may not be a big deal for some, but for me, it was a huge deal. Besides, we need less makeup as we get older, not more.There isn't a makeup on earth that's going to make me look twenty again! As they say, I'm more comfortable in my own skin.
3. I don't have as much angst.
I've always loved the word angst. It just seems to describe all those insecure or worrisome emotions we have. I think back to some of the things I had angst over when I was young and I realize how silly they were. That's not to downplay the feelings we have when we're young, because at the time they are important to us. Yet, it is nice to realize I'm not going to worry about not getting to go to that rock concert ever again. Or that maybe that guy I have a crush on likes some other girl better. With age, I can take life's little disappointments a lot easier. I've learned things happen the way they are suppose to and when things don't go as we planned, it might be a blessing in disguise.
4. I can entertain myself.
I have to say first that I know a lot of people my age and older who still like to go, go, go. That's great if that makes you feel good, more power to you. Again, when I younger, I was on the go constantly and had to be out and about with my friends to be entertained. Now I can easily entertain myself. Give me a good book, something interesting online to explore, or just time to sit and cuddle with my cats and I'm happy. I actually feel bad for people who can't stand not being on the go constantly because someday they might not be able to. Where is that going to leave them when they have to be more "still"? I'm happy with the simple things in life. I can watch a movie and get totally involved in it, without thinking about twenty other things. I can be more in the moment.
5. I don't need as much.
I don't have to have the latest fashions or the newest gizzmo. I still like getting new things, but I don't need them. In fact, I'm more interested in saving money than buying another dress. I'm perfectly happy with last years clothes and I can cook rice in a pan...I don't need that fancy rice cooker. It's great to be content with what you have. That's not to say that I live my life like a miser and never buy anything, but I just don't feel the need to get as many things as I once did. I don't make as many impulse buys. I have more patience and find that a week later, I don't even really want it. I not only saves me money, but makes me feel content.
These are just 5 things I've found that I like about getting older...I'm sure I could find another five. I'm also sure I could find ten things I hate about getting older. I'd rather focus on the good and try to accept the bad. I don't always succeed, but the next time you are feeling down about your age, think of all the things that you've gained with those years. It will make you feel better. Just avoid looking in mirrors...just kidding! What do you like about getting older?
Check out these great books!
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![]() | Aging: Concepts and Controversies Presenting current research in an innovative format, Aging: Concepts and Controversies encourages students to become involved and take an informed stand on the major aging ... |
![]() | Rules for Aging: A Wry and Witty Guide to Life Acclaimed and beloved prize-winning essayist Roger Rosenblatt has commented on most of the trends and events of our time. His columns in Time magazine and his commentaries on ... |
![]() | Healthy Aging: A Lifelong Guide to Your Well-Being In each of his widely acclaimed, best-selling books, Dr. Andrew Weil has been an authoritative and companionable guide through a uniquely effective combination of traditional ... |
![]() | Seven Strategies for Positive Aging (Norton Professional Books) Filled with practical and effective strategies, skill-building techniques, and advice based on the most recent research on the psychology of aging, Dr. Hill demonstrates how ... |
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