ere are so many toys to choose from these days, that it can be hard to decide what your baby needs.
In reality, when they are small, babies only need a few toys and the best are classic things like soft toys, puzzles, building blocks and musical toys such as rattles.
It is not safe to buy any toy second hand, but it is possible to find good quality used toys that will be suitable for your baby. Take particular care if you decide to buy stuffed soft toys second hand, because these can often harbor dirt and germs as well as creating safety hazards with loose stuffing or threads.
If you buy second hand toys, make sure you check them thoroughly and do not give them to your baby if they are damaged. You might also like to wash them before giving them to your baby.
A good place to find second hand baby toys are garage sales and nearly new baby sales as this way you can check the toys before purchasing them, something which is harder to do if you buy online.
Also - don't be shy about asking for hand-me-downs from family and friends. Especially if they have stopped adding to their family and won't need the clothes again