on 08/08/2013
Here's the issue. I can't find my articles using the Wizzley search box. WHY?
To add to that, I also can't find them using the Google search engine.
I get that Wizzley has no control over Google. Maybe Google just didn't crawl around in here.
But can't Wizzley make it easy to find articles using the search box at the Wizzley site?
BACKGROUND: Took me a while to work up the courage to write for Wizzley. When I finally managed to get 5 articles, I received a encouraging eMail telling me that my links had been turned to "DO FOLLOW".
- I also write for HUBPages.
- I can put words from the title of my HUB and the word "hubpages" and my article will pop out in the search results.
- I can use the HUBPages search box at their site and my articles will pop up.
I do the same thing with WIzzley? My articles don't exist! They must not. I don't see them.
I also tried this with another person's article because I had been making comments and didn't bookmark the link. I tried to search for it via Google. Couldn't find it. Tried to search for it using the search box here. Couldn't find it.
- Is there something funky with the search engine? OR
- Do my articles just not exist for the general public to search, find and view?
I'm not writing just to hear myself talk. This is an income earning project. And if I can't earn income which for sure I won't be able to if my articles can't even get found by the "traffic god", then I'm wasting my time here.
It's a shame because I like this site. It's an easy platform. I like being able to use Zazzle, AllPosters, etc. I like the community. But I don't like being buried. Cause I can't take that to the bank!
*Dear Wizzley Management and Staff, I hope you read this.
Thank you. Wishing you siccess!
Treathyl FOX
on 08/08/2013
It's working for me, cariad.
Trees Deserve Respect (Google)
Harp Music (Wizzley)
What were you searching for? Sometimes it takes a while for Google's spiders to crawl the site. You can speed up the process with a site like Ping-O-Matic.
on 08/08/2013
Bless you dear friend. I'm just going to write this off as me having an "attitude".
For the past few days (years actually, but time flies like days), I've just been knocking my head against a brick wall. Trying different platforms. Then the platforms start having epileptic fits! Of course, a lot of my work goes down the tubes but I salvage what I can.
You're hearing the voice of frustration. Plain and simple.
I have many voices in my head.
Just for the record. You found two of my articles. But I have more than two, as do you. How does this "selection process" occur. Survival of the fittest? No matter. I'll keep pushing forward.
on 08/08/2013
It should be all of them. I just chose two at random. <3
on 08/08/2013
We read every single forum post, Treathyl.
Do you still have questions?
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform, yeah -
on 08/08/2013
I hear your woe, @cmoneyspinner.
Some days, tech just won't. It's not you, nor the tech, nor Google, nor the connection, the machine or anything. It just won't.
Nothing personal, nothing meant.
Just sometimes, you're supposed to wander away from the wonderful Wizzley and do something else, I guess.
Did you ever see that program called 'Why Don't You...?' as a kid?
That, only substitute TV set with computer.
Love and hugs from me to you and hope you feel better soon and your articles are found, as Jo suggests they will be.
Described by one of my clients as 'a literary grammarian', writing, researching and reading are requirements for sanity, at least this side of the keyboard.
on 08/09/2013
Mister, I am loaded with questions. But most of the time I don't ask them because my experience has been if I wait long enough, somebody will say something and I'll realize it was a a stupid question! My keeping quiet didn't reveal my stupidity to everybody else, so I can still act like I'm smart.
As for this particular issue, I just yanked most of my posts from Bubblews. You may not get the connection between that action and this forum question, but it's related.
I keep trying different writing communities and platforms, cause sooner or later i'm gonna hit the jackpot! But I don't have much patience to try them for long.
It takes a lot for me to finally get frustrated enough to publicly question something that I frigging just don't get!
Let's COMPARE: I used to work for a federal agency - a law enforcement agency - and they had a computer system for querying certain person or transactions. Pretty much the same concept as a search engine. Crooks would never get caught if our system yielded search results the way that ...
Do you follow me?
Anyway, just laugh this off and realize that I'm just a fruit basket / nutcase roaming around the Internet pretending to be a freelance writer.
That was the long answer.
The short answer is: No sir, I don't have any more questions. But thanks for checking.
I won't be yanking my articles from Wizzley. As I said - I like it here!
on 08/09/2013
I'm glad.
After all, we're practically neighbors, right?
(I live in good old South Austin, on Banister Lane)
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform, yeah -
on 08/09/2013
We are practically neighbors. Although I consider South Austin the side of town for the young folks. My sons have lived over there. For some reason, wherever I relocate to a city, I always end up on the north side.
I forgot you were in Austin. I was imagining I was talking to somebody in Germany.
I chat with Jo all the time. She's in the UK but you would think we were sitting in office cubicles right next to each other.
I love the Internet! Thank you Al Gore!!
(That poor guy is never gonna live that remark down, is he?)
on 08/09/2013
At 64 - I am young folks.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform, yeah -
on 08/10/2013
UM ... since this issues is resolved and I am confessing that I used to vent my frustration, is ther a button to click that says "Resolved" because no more comments are needed; or do I just delete the entire conversation thread?
on 08/10/2013
You can't delete a thread - only admin could.
Don't worry, it'll disappear quickly, and nobody has any reason to comment any further.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform, yeah -
on 08/10/2013
OK. "Delete the thread". Heard somebody use that expression on Facebook. The thing about "resolving". Somebody in a Wordpress forum told me to go and hit the "Resolve button" so people wouldn't keep responding. I was just thinking the procedures here were similar. Glad I asked so I know for future reference. I'm done!
on 08/10/2013
OK, thread closed.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform, yeah -