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AllPosters Link

Posts: 105
on 07/11/2017

When AllPosters took away their affiliate program they went to Viglink.  Does the AllPosters module now point to Viglink like the Ebay module does?  It is much easier with the module.

Posts: 79
on 08/19/2017

I'm glad you asked this question. My solution is simply to use the “VigLink Anywhere” tool, create a link for the poster, and try to incorporate it into my content. Not that it really makes a difference.  I haven't earned a red cent from any of my VigLink activity for several years.  Plus the cash out is $100.  But I don't blame them. I blame myself. Others say they makes lot of money by way of VigLink. So it must be me!  (O.o)

Treathyl FOX aka cmoneyspinner.  Vocal.Meda Contributor.  Please visit!
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