on 05/18/2015
I haven't written any articles in a while, although I have several drafts. I've been busy and focusing on other things. I've talked about wanting to get my Bachelors degree in writing and I'm finally doing it! My major is English Creative Writing with a concentration in fiction. I thought my fellow writers would like to know!
I also started selling Avon so if anyone is interested, I thought I'd share my website. You can order direct delivery since I'm sure we all live in different states. youravon.com/kdemetro
Anyway, I'm excited to be back and I'll start bringing up new articles soon!
on 05/18/2015
I didn't recognize you for a minute. It sounds like things are going gangbusters!
on 05/19/2015
Sounds good. Writers always need a second income, so Avon is a good idea. It's a business of your own that puts you in control, and that's a state that writers should be in.
on 05/19/2015
Welcome back, Kaitlyn! Good luck with your writing career :) You will have lots of fun studying creative writing, I imagine :)
on 05/20/2015
I wish you success on your degree! I'm a huge English literature fan and am in pursuit of a teaching degree myself. Good luck on the Avon as well. My mother has been a salesperson for over 30 years. :)
on 05/22/2015
Congratulations, Kaitlyn, for taking steps towards meeting your goal! I wish you all the best in your studies.
on 05/25/2015
Kait, I've seen you design on Zazzle as well. Do that, constantly improving your work, and you will see results.
on 05/27/2015
She has hair..!
Good luck with your degree pursuit and with the new line of income. I think I will end up with 4 or 5 jobs before I am done. It's always good to branch out.
on 05/27/2015
You all have been so kind. Thank you! And yes I do finally have normal hair again! It actually grew back pretty fast but it felt like it took forever.
on 05/27/2015
How exciting! Congratulations on taking such a big step.
Writer, Artist, Dreamer
on 05/27/2015
Kaitlyn, best of luck in your new venture. I wish you great success.