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Demotivation of Rank

Posts: 626
on 02/13/2012

Buzzing articles are those that are being talked about now, i.e comments and likes. They may be very new and therefore not have an article rank at 100. It takes several days for an article to get to 100.

If an article gets to 100, it will then appear on or near the top of the popular page. If it gets there within 6 to 10 days, then, if the buzz is still happening, it will also appear in the Buzz group.

In both cases, as the buzz subsides, and the days go by, the article will fall from the top of Buzzing and Popular.

Posts: 626
on 02/13/2012

I am not sure of the protocol on the forums here but...................

just recently.................

I did write a Wizz about this subject, extolling the 'virtues' of article rank,

and one about the 'virtues' of author rank

and one about how the article rank algorithm might work - for rising rank 

maybe y'all could add some comments there


Posts: 205
on 02/13/2012

Heya Paul,

I personally don't spend too much time worrying a rat's fig about rankings. I have one Wizzle thats sat at 4% since release into the wild. Its an article that won't rank or rank well (on the SERPS) for some time. This is due to the nature of the subject and the article itself still needs some padding out and refining and some fine tuning over the next few weeks.

It will be my sleeper for a while but it is designed to earn me some mula, rather than rank well internally.


Conversly, I had another Wizzle that got nods and appreciations from you guys and gals, and that was a nice touch. The article ended up in the front 'Buzzing' category for a couple of days and I appreciated that.


But now I am back to the great aspect of writing good content, and content that earns a penny, provides value to my readers and challenges me to keep the bar on quality writing on the up and up.


As Chefkeem has stated about the subject and apologies for the momentary sidetrack, I sincerely hope Google does not put to much into social attachments for article writers/Google+/ ranking articles on social interactions. I dread it, as I simply do not have the time or wherewithal for it.



Paul, your writing is above average, your very knowledgeable about your niches and I value your opinion and suggestion when and where you have made them. I see much of you in your joy in helping others. That in itself has to be rather motivating. Laughing

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