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Did you know that Sheri won?

Posts: 1088
on 07/09/2013

I have been wondering about the winners of the contest over at Pixabay, and I just discovered that Sheri Oz came in 3rd place for this image. 

Guess the winners were announced when I was away on vacation, but I finally found them listed on the blog.

Congrats Sheri......!!!

Posts: 847
on 07/09/2013

Yes, I was aware of that.

Brenda Reeves
Posts: 274
on 07/09/2013

Beautiful photo, Sheri! Congratulations!

Read one of my books Sheila's Books
Posts: 1816
on 07/09/2013

Wow!  No, I didn't know that! Well done, Sheri!

Posts: 26
on 07/09/2013

Congratulations, Sheri...great shot!

I write about dishes and glassware at Diary of a Dishie
Posts: 825
on 07/10/2013

Beautiful! Congrats!!!

Lana or LIl aka Ragtimelil RagtimeLil's Store on Weebly
on 07/10/2013

That is the most amazing photo - I LOVE IT!

What a talent, Sheri!

In 2009 we sold everything and hit the road! Follow us on our blog at Cheap RV Living
Posts: 439
on 07/12/2013

I'm not here very much for the past while and so I just came across this post in the forum now. Thanks so much for the congrats, guys. It was a thrill for me and so unexpected.  It gave me the shot of adrenaline I needed to now move on and try to learn something new about photography.

I love the photos that are being submitted to the site. Some real masterpieces. There is an incredible choice of freely offered public domain original photography.

Posts: 1088
on 07/13/2013


Sheri_Oz: 07/12/2013 - 06:04 PM

I love the photos that are being submitted to the site. Some real masterpieces. There is an incredible choice of freely offered public domain original photography.

The photos on Pixabay are really incredible.  I'm amazed at the excellent photographers who are so willing to share with the world.

I hope you've used your winning image to sell in you Z store..?

Posts: 439
on 07/13/2013

Actually, I'm using other images similar to the winning image on zazzle products and leaving the one I submitted to pixabay for others to use.

That makes me feel better when I use other photographers' wonderful shots on zazzle products.

Posts: 1088
on 07/13/2013


Sheri_Oz: 07/13/2013 - 07:12 AM

Actually, I'm using other images similar to the winning image on zazzle products and leaving the one I submitted to pixabay for others to use.

That makes me feel better when I use other photographers' wonderful shots on zazzle products.

I know what you mean.  I always try to change / add something, or use their photo as part of the design.   I don't feel right using just their shot to profit from.


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