on 01/15/2015
I've decided that it's time for some Wizzley Spring Cleaning. Some of my Wizzles were written years ago and I haven't touched them since. So I'm giving them a fresh look. Mostly I'm trying to add at least 200 more words of text, a picture or two and perhaps a video. Then I'm tweeting, pinning and posting to G+ to let the world know they are here.
Lots has changed in the past few years as far as the search engines go. I think I have to make my stuff more visual and engaging. I'm also checking some keyword tools to see if I'm missing a niche in there somewhere. Perhaps there will be some new ideas for new Wizzles.
My head is now spinning. Luckily there's a spreadsheet to keep it organized!
Do you ever dust off your Wizzles?
on 01/15/2015
Most of mine are new, but I do go back and look at them, make changes, add to them, move modules, or simply delete them and move them to my own sites.
Traffic is an issue. It seems as though traffic hits a peak, then that is it.
Linda Smith
on 01/15/2015
I think writing goes stale for a variety of reasons. Especially on sales Wizzles. Trends change. Keywords change and the way we look at visuals change. Most importantly the competition changes. We've got to keep up with the trends.
I'm making note of the traffic levels I had before this and I'm going to see how my traffic responds. Will report back and share the results whatever way they go.
on 01/15/2015
Hello Digby, I think it is a very nice idea to read and edit our past wizzes. With the sales wizzles, the worst thing is that some of the products are now out of stock and it is very difficult to check those. Good luck with your work
on 01/15/2015
Yes, that's one of the reasons that I'm checking them. I have also found that YouTube videos come and go and need my attention.
on 01/15/2015
Never knew this fact about Youtube videos, i thought they were there forever
on 01/15/2015
It's funny, but I have also recently begun doing just that. After the holidays maybe it's normal to want to "house clean". I think it helps get the old stuff seen again too.
I've begun using G+ more too, and need to do as you say, tweet, pin and post.
on 01/15/2015
Hi Dustytoes!
Hopefully all this energy will bring us all more traffic and sales. It's been good seeing so many people writing here regularly as well. I like having my own sites, but I miss the community here when I am not writing here.
on 01/15/2015
I've been slowly dusting some of mine off as well. It seems as if the pictures do make a big difference.
on 01/15/2015
Hi Digby - It is a good idea to brush up the old wizzles every now and then even if it is a daunting task to go through the old stack. Even better if you are adding new relevant keywords and pertaining text. Are you using any paid keyword tool?
on 01/15/2015
Not anymore. Since Google started hiding them I haven't found them very useful. I used to use Wordtracker. Now I just use the Google keyword tool.
on 01/16/2015
This is what I have begun doing.
I am not a "stats" checker at all, but I began going through my Wizzley's one by one to see which keywords / search terms, were bringing readers to my pages. Then I go to the page and make sure those words are somewhere on the page.
I don't have a lot of readers, but as they pick up and the numbers for specific search words grow, it could be beneficial.
Just an idea. Most of you probably already do that!
on 01/16/2015
I haven't been doing a really diligent job of keyword research and I need to improve. I'm using Evernote now and it's much better than the bits of scrap paper I used to use.
on 03/06/2015
Here's my top tip: take your meta description and dump it into Google (without quotes). If you are lucky, only your wizzle will come up. But chances are that a lot of scrapers will too (and there's nothing you can do as quoting a few sentences is allowed under "fair use" law, which is why they confine themselves to just stealing the meta description).
However, because it's just a few sentences, it's easy to re-write to make it unique again for Google. Use up all the characters (because you want maximum text at the top of your wizzle) and use your secondary keyword in the meta description. So if you are targeting keywordphrase1 and keywordphrase2, put keyword phrase 1 into your title and keyword phrase 2 into your meta, and when people search for it, it will get highlighted in bold in the SERPs.
on 03/06/2015
I've now started to pay some serious attention to keywords. However, no matter what keywords I enter, the first thing that always comes up are Google ad pictures for the exact same items. This is very tough to compete with.
I've tried with with my own articles and with other people's as well.
I guess that's why we need to promote.
on 03/06/2015
Tee Hee! Beat em at their game with Google Images. We can put images into Google images as well.
Linda Smith