Hey Everyone...
We are in transition mode - leaving our rv site, visiting family 80 miles away, rv repairs/maintenance, then parking in my stepfather's driveway to spend some time with him...so my forum presence will be choppy at best for a while.
Please take no offense if you leave comments and I can't respond, etc...will definitely revisit forum to let you know when I'm back to "normal" - September is going to be a really busy month for us personally (I get to take a train to Glacier, I'm homesick, as a birthday present at the end of September....7 days in the mountains, won't even go to town for groceries...my dad promised we can just stay up in the mountains the whole time, really need it after this year!).
But I'll be back here before I ever leave, etc...so will see you all in a week/ 10 days, something like that?
Take care!