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Goals for next year!

Posts: 140
on 12/05/2012

Mechanical engineering now that is some fun, all I can say is work smart and enjoy your time in the lab.

6-month goals,

  1. Write and publish here at wizzley 50 fun filled articles.
  2. Keep quiet and learn cool stuff from all the great wizzley writers.
  3. Follow Dustytoes and others example and create my First Zazzle Store.

Please allow me to take this opportunity, wish everyone a merry Christmas, and a productive new year.



Posts: 477
on 12/05/2012

It sure is ;) 

It's nice seeing everyone getting into Zazzle as well. I

Check out my blog SEO for Dummies
Posts: 626
on 12/06/2012

Whatever my goals are they pale into insignificance compared to the real authors on Wizzley - Katie, Sheila, Arlene etc etc. They are the true inspiration we can all fall back on when we get into those little pockets of despair. *dark clouds descend into my brain* BUT THEN ...

My targets by Xmas 2013 are to get 1 million of each of the following:

  • Products on my website
  • Visitors to my Wizzley articles
  • Visitors to my HP articles
  • Followers across all my social sites
  • Monthly visitors to my website
  • $ in the bank

Pie in the sky? Maybe, but best to have a goal that seems just out of reach and I'm pretty sure I will hit at least 3 of those targets.

Posts: 205
on 12/07/2012


That Wizzle about ebook publishing will be at the END of the year in 2013. I have my first ebook outline but haven't published a single ebook yet. I still need to publish my amazing birth story of my daughter (not far away now)  but this end of 2012 I feel I have been all over the place and an 8 week old daughter takes up much of my (current) time. THAT I do not begrudge :)

Posts: 379
on 12/07/2012

You're doing so well. I'm pretty sure that by the time my son and daughter were 8 weeks old I could barely stay awake, let alone think about writing books.

Posts: 274
on 12/08/2012

Me neither. Kangaroo Jase, you are right to keep your priorities straight. Nothing is as important as that first year in your child's life. E-books shmeebooks! They can wait! 

Get some sleep!

Read one of my books Sheila's Books
Posts: 205
on 12/08/2012

Its all good, my lil one is now sleeping 6-7 hours overnight. I am still awaiting for that pattern to break and get up for 2am feeds again!

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