on 12/05/2012
Mechanical engineering now that is some fun, all I can say is work smart and enjoy your time in the lab.
6-month goals,
- Write and publish here at wizzley 50 fun filled articles.
- Keep quiet and learn cool stuff from all the great wizzley writers.
- Follow Dustytoes and others example and create my First Zazzle Store.
Please allow me to take this opportunity, wish everyone a merry Christmas, and a productive new year.
on 12/05/2012
It sure is ;)
It's nice seeing everyone getting into Zazzle as well. I
on 12/06/2012
Whatever my goals are they pale into insignificance compared to the real authors on Wizzley - Katie, Sheila, Arlene etc etc. They are the true inspiration we can all fall back on when we get into those little pockets of despair. *dark clouds descend into my brain* BUT THEN ...
My targets by Xmas 2013 are to get 1 million of each of the following:
- Products on my website
- Visitors to my Wizzley articles
- Visitors to my HP articles
- Followers across all my social sites
- Monthly visitors to my website
- $ in the bank
Pie in the sky? Maybe, but best to have a goal that seems just out of reach and I'm pretty sure I will hit at least 3 of those targets.
on 12/07/2012
That Wizzle about ebook publishing will be at the END of the year in 2013. I have my first ebook outline but haven't published a single ebook yet. I still need to publish my amazing birth story of my daughter (not far away now) but this end of 2012 I feel I have been all over the place and an 8 week old daughter takes up much of my (current) time. THAT I do not begrudge :)
Posts: 379
on 12/07/2012
You're doing so well. I'm pretty sure that by the time my son and daughter were 8 weeks old I could barely stay awake, let alone think about writing books.
on 12/08/2012
Me neither. Kangaroo Jase, you are right to keep your priorities straight. Nothing is as important as that first year in your child's life. E-books shmeebooks! They can wait!
Get some sleep!
on 12/08/2012
Its all good, my lil one is now sleeping 6-7 hours overnight. I am still awaiting for that pattern to break and get up for 2am feeds again!