Greetings dear chaps. I thought it was time to pop in and say hello to all my old pals from Squidoo days and see how my sparring partner the chef was. I see that Wizzley is going leaps and bounds and I'm jolly pleased to see it develop positively.
Indeed I'm jolly pleased to have joined it soon after its launch. So why am I not very active here?
With only two pages, yet both at "100" rank, I really should be putting in more input. My personal rank at "35" isn't much to shout about, and my fan base isn't so great either - so to answer my own question - I'm just rather idle and laissez faire (I like using French phrases to demonstrate my pedantic pretentiousness).
Also, I'm tentative with too much involvement on sites such as these because I may find myself saying something on the forums which others may regret, and I don't want to get banned. You can lead a horse to water but you can't teach old dogs new tricks. (Something like that anyway).
I jest! I've decided to make 2012 the "Year of Wizzley" and see what happens. I've got the time if you've got the patience (as the bishop said to the actress - nudge nudge, wink, wink!)
So look out for some outstanding pages from yours truly, and remember - to aspire is to emulate - and for that reason I feel I have a duty to be here for you all.
Please direct your future accolades to my home page, and don't be shy. I shall endeavour to respond personally to each one, but you must realise that I receive volumes of communication and requests for my autograph.
Don't be disappointed if a response is not forthcoming. I love you all mwah, mwah!