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Hoping to be more active

Posts: 8
on 06/04/2011

I was really hoping to be more active in the forum.  I'm a lurker, read everything but don't post often.  I was determined to be more active here but I've been redoing 18 lenses so far that have invalid links from the new round of tax fallout.

But wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone and have a great weekend.  Off to work I go today, my outside job that is.  One day soon, I can quit and give all my attention to my online empire that I am building....

Posts: 16
on 06/04/2011

Me too nyfamily5. I like to read the posts (when time allows) but don't post very often.

I am loving Wizzley and know I'll be spending more and more time here.

Sorry to hear about the tax fall out. Is that just for Amazon or everything?

Have a great day!

Posts: 338
on 06/04/2011

Great to "meet" you. It made me laugh to see your term "online empire." I use that phrase too, and I'm even working on a Whizz that talks about my strategy. Laughing

Posts: 769
on 06/04/2011

Welcome, and we will be happy to have you here at your own pace.

Paula Atwell (aka lakeerieartists) is the owner of an online art gallery, Lake Erie Artists Gallery and a freelance writer
Posts: 8
on 06/05/2011

Quite a few companies are dropping affiliate that live in NC.  They have been slowly over the past year. The lastest hit me really hard because they were my top earner in CJ and I have literally hundreds of links to them on about 40 lenses so I have to replace them all.  I am using the Amazon module from Squidoo so that at least I feel safe.  Don't want to do this again that's for sure... :)

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