on 06/26/2012
The other day I noticed that a VigLink merchant I used on one of my pages was showing up on my dashboard as 'Links to this site couldn't be monetized'. I contacted VigLink to see why and they told me that they had to temporarily turn this merchant off because the links were not affiliating properly. And they are working on it. In the meantime, I am sending traffic to a merchant and not being compensated for any sales made.
Today, I noticed that links this week to Sharesale were showing up on my dashboard as 'Links to this site were affiliated by VigLink'. These Sharesale links have my affiliate code in them. So, I went back a few weeks and for Sharesale is says 'Some links to this site were already affiliated. The rest were affiliated by VigLink'. Why would that be? All shareasale links have my coding in them.
I contacted VigLink, I will let you know what they say.
This is all quite frustrating.
on 06/26/2012
I'd be very interested to hear what you learn! I haven't checked my ShareASale or Commission Junction links! I'd be rather peeved if they've been taken over by VigLInks!
Although I could just turn off VigLInks, since I have so few links up for them.
on 06/26/2012
How do I actually check for this? You said the links showed up on your dashboard as "Links to this site were affiliated by VigLink". I don't even have a clue where to find this....!
on 06/26/2012
kajohu: 26. Jun 2012, 15:48
How do I actually check for this? You said the links showed up on your dashboard as "Links to this site were affiliated by VigLink". I don't even have a clue where to find this....!
Login to your VigLink dashboard. Under the 'Destination Sites by Outbound Traffic' section, you will see all of your outbound clicks. On the righthand side are circles, those circles indicate how those links were categorized. Hold your mouse over the circle to view the details.
on 06/26/2012
Thanks, Janet. It looks like I'm okay. It says my Shareasale links couldn't be monetized.
And it looks like I've made $0.17 through Viglinks
I haven't done much with it yet.....
on 06/26/2012
kajohu: 26. Jun 2012, 16:53
Thanks, Janet. It looks like I'm okay. It says my Shareasale links couldn't be monetized.
And it looks like I've made $0.17 through Viglinks
I haven't done much with it yet.....
I believe your Sharesale links should say 'Links to this site were already affiliated'. (a half filled grey circle). You may want to verify your affiliate links.
Congrats on the .17! :)
on 06/26/2012
Thanks, Janet.
Later links from companies that I'm affiliated with through Shareasale did say "Links to this site were already affiliated".... so I probably made some goof with the first couple I checked that said Shareasale, and couldn't be monetized. I'll go check....
Janet21: 26. Jun 2012, 17:17
kajohu: 26. Jun 2012, 16:53
Thanks, Janet. It looks like I'm okay. It says my Shareasale links couldn't be monetized.
And it looks like I've made $0.17 through Viglinks
I haven't done much with it yet.....
I believe your Sharesale links should say 'Links to this site were already affiliated'. (a half filled grey circle). You may want to verify your affiliate links.
Congrats on the .17! :)
on 06/27/2012
Aren't amazon links supposed to be turned into siglinks somehow? I clicked on the link here: http://wizzley.com/best-pride-prejudice-movie-jane-austen/ and it didn't turn into anything other than what it was. Since siglink didn't claim it, I decided to use my own affiliate code instead. Still - it's another sign that there is trouble here.
on 06/27/2012
spirituality: 27. Jun 2012, 05:14
Aren't amazon links supposed to be turned into siglinks somehow? I clicked on the link here: http://wizzley.com/best-pride-prejudice-movie-jane-austen/ and it didn't turn into anything other than what it was. Since siglink didn't claim it, I decided to use my own affiliate code instead. Still - it's another sign that there is trouble here.
Yes Amazon links get affiliated by Viglink. It's working fine for me.
on 06/27/2012
You can't see the viglink just by hovering over it. If you're using Chrome, try copy/pasting that link and you'll see that VigLink reaffiliated it. I just checked your link and it "viglinks" correctly.
SEO Praxis: Specializing in WordPress Hosting and Small Business Web Design.
on 06/27/2012
Hey there...I am quite new to VigLink (a month maybe?).
Anyway, on my VigLink dashboard, my walmart and ebay links that show clicks all have the empty circle that states "this link couldn't be monetized." Some of my others are fine/working correctly.
I did a LOT of ebay links and walmart links...should I be concerned and checking (yikes) all of my pages?
In 2009 we sold everything and hit the road! Follow us on our blog at Cheap RV Living
on 06/27/2012
frugalrvers: 27. Jun 2012, 16:51
Hey there...I am quite new to VigLink (a month maybe?).
Anyway, on my VigLink dashboard, my walmart and ebay links that show clicks all have the empty circle that states "this link couldn't be monetized." Some of my others are fine/working correctly.
I did a LOT of ebay links and walmart links...should I be concerned and checking (yikes) all of my pages?
If your ebay and walmart links are empty circles, I would contact VigLink to find out what is going on. I don't use Walmart, but all of my ebay clicks are half filled circles that say 'links to this site were affiliated by VigLinks'.
VigLink responded to my inquiry with this, "Thank you for your email. We are currently looking into this problem and should have a fix soon."
I will post here if/when I here anything more.
on 06/28/2012
Thanks Janet...
I ended up having to be away from the computer until just now, after posting my concern. I hope others chime in here. Could it be that my ebay and Walmart links aren't giving me anything? :(
I will try to contact them and see what is going on...if I learn anything, will let you know.
In 2009 we sold everything and hit the road! Follow us on our blog at Cheap RV Living
on 06/28/2012
From my vague memory of the Viglink conference online, I believe the Amazon links do not look the same as some of the others, but you can tell when you click through to Amazon. Don't remember exactly what it looks like though.