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Should You Write Controversial Blog Posts? A Data Driven Answer

Posts: 1816
on 06/19/2014

I found this article* interesting.  The salient point for us lot being:

I would say such posts are worth writing if you run a consumer-based blog that makes revenue from its advertisements.

What are your thoughts?

* Except I can't link it because Wizzley threw up a false positive on the URL!  SIIIIIIMMMMMMMMOOOOOONNNNNNNN!!!

 To find it, search the internet for Neil Patel + Quick Sprout + Should you write controversial blog posts

Posts: 1816
on 06/19/2014

Ah! I didn't see that, as I browse the internet behind pop up and adblockers.

You and I think very much alike.  I do write for money, but not always.  Some subjects are too important and I write them like an old Welsh bard told truths in a llys.  The money puts bread on the table. The passion comes from Y Gwir yn Erbyn y Byd. The two aren't always compatible and when they're in conflict, the latter will always win.

What I read in Neil Patel's words was that we shouldn't play it safe on the basis that we'll lose revenue. Get out there and tell our truths, however controversial that may be. You'll be pleasantly surprised when that pays out too.

It's exactly what I was saying in my last Wizzley article.

on 06/19/2014

Jo, it depends if you can deal with the troll-olol-olols.

I can't, generally, because I dislike their attitude and the fact that they ignore any reply I might put out there for their edification.

Doesn't stop me from biting their bait (and their tackle too, metaphorically speaking!) but it does ruin a chilled evening by making me angry and irritated.

If I ever get a trolling response to anything I write, it simply gets deleted and the user is blocked as soon as possible if I can, because they're just more infantile than words and lower than something a bear did in the woods. My reasonable side suggests that I spent all that time and effort putting a controversial point of view across, and I am not going to have it hijacked by some nerk posing with half a brain cell.

If someone wants a good old fashioned debate, and can back their assertions with links and fact, fair enough. But trolls can't, won't and don't. To my mind, they don't even understand reason, and that is unforgivable to me.

As far as writing controversial posts/articles just to make money goes, no.


Described by one of my clients as 'a literary grammarian', writing, researching and reading are requirements for sanity, at least this side of the keyboard.
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