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Some interesting test statistics for you ...

Posts: 626
on 05/14/2013

I recently embarked on a test set of Twitter postings. This was to deduce whether posting Wizzley links to Twitter would have any effect on visitor numbers (either from Twitter, the link shorten service, or from the pick-up of those links by search engines). I posted each link twice daily for a period of approximately 2 weeks. The results for me were as follows:

Hits from of significance:

Wizzley - rose slightly in the period
Tuvaro - rose significantly
Rebelmouse - rose moderately
Piccshare - rose moderately
Blekko - decreased moderately - rose significantly (this was the link shorten service I used)
Yandex - very slight increase - static
Lavasoft.Blekko - slight increase
Yahoo - approx 33% increase
Bing - slight increase
Delta-search - approx 25% increase
iSearch123 - 15% decrease
Babylon - 25% decrease
Searchfunmoods - 25% increase

From this data I can conclude that there is an upside to posting the same links regularly. However, the results are mixed: being significant for lesser search engines such as Tuvaro, Piccshare, DeltaSearch; and negative for Blekko, iSearch123 and Babylon. For the major search engines, there was no impact for Google or Bing, but surprisingly some positive for Yahoo.

The provisos here are that other factors (not of my doing) may have influenced some of the results, but overall the additional visitor numbers from Tuvaro, Piccshare and Rebelmouse had an influence on the overall visitor proportional shares.

My Wizzley readers are now not the highest percentage of visitors (just dipped below 25%). Tuvaro is now the number one supplier of visitors (just under 25% also), then Rebelmouse (10.4%), Piccshare (9.9%), Blekko (8.5%), (5.3%), Yandex (2.2%), Google (1.8%), Yahoo (1.2%), Bing (1.0%) with the remainder of the 200 top visitor providers (11.2%).

This data is for visitor numbers not income which seems to have stayed about constant.

I have now curtailed my Twitter promotional activities and shall not repost for at least 2 weeks. If I find any significant changes I shall inform you further, if this data is of any interest to you.

Posts: 478
on 05/14/2013

Thank you, humagaia, for sharing. This is all very useful.

Posts: 26
on 05/14/2013

I appreciate you sharing your results. Thanks!

I write about dishes and glassware at Diary of a Dishie
Posts: 979
on 05/14/2013

Good to know, thanks for sharing your study!

Katie McMurray
Posts: 439
on 05/16/2013

I love it when people do tests like these.

Thanks so much.

Posts: 148
on 05/19/2013

"If I find any significant changes I shall inform you further, if this data is of any interest to you." (humagaia)

Yes, please, inform us, this data is of great value! Thanks for your research:)

Posts: 418
on 08/06/2014

Thanks so much for this information.

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